
  • 网络REM;REM sleep;Rapid eye movement sleep
  1. 快速眼动睡眠称作“主动”睡眠。

    REM sleep is termed ‘ active ’ sleep .

  2. 我们只是更容易记住在快速眼动睡眠期间做的梦。

    We 're just more likely to remember the dreams we have during REM sleep .

  3. 不在快速眼动睡眠期间做的梦则更简单,也更平淡。

    Non-REM sleep dreams , on the other hand , are simpler and less emotional .

  4. 我们对梦不了解的地方还有很多,但是长时间以来,人们坚信只有快速眼动睡眠期间才会做梦。

    There 's a lot we don 't know about dreams , but for a long time , we were certain they only occurred during REM sleep .

  5. 快速眼动睡眠剥夺及恢复睡眠对大鼠海马和皮质神经元型一氧化氮合酶mRNA表达的影响

    Effects of REM sleep deprivation and recovery on the expression of nNOS mRNA of hippocampus and cortex in the rats

  6. 这时就进入REM快速眼动睡眠。

    Then REM sleep emerges , rapid eye movement sleep .

  7. 除药物外,快速眼动睡眠(REM)机制的紊乱也可导致幻觉。

    Besides bromocriptine , the dysfunction of the rapid eye movement sleep ( REM ) mechanism may also contribute to hallucinations .

  8. 所以,要尽量在快速眼动睡眠(REM)阶段醒过来,这样你就能为起床做好更充分的准备。

    Try to shoot for waking up during a REM phase , because then your body will be better prepared to wake up .

  9. 快速眼动睡眠剥夺对中枢5-羟色胺缺失小鼠Orexin阳性神经元活性的影响

    Effect of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep on Neural Activity of Orexin Neurons in Central Serotonin Deficient Mice

  10. 快速眼动睡眠剥夺后大鼠海马CB-1受体mRNA表达及其与癫痫发病的相关性研究

    The Expression of Cannabinoid Receptor 1 mRNA after Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Deprivation in Rat Hippocampus and Its Contribution to Epilepsy

  11. 目的研究不同时间的持续快速眼动睡眠剥夺(RSD)及恢复睡眠(RS)对大鼠海马脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)及特异性受体TrkB表达的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of various degrees of sleep deprivation and sleep recovery on expressions of BDNF and TrkB in the rat hippocampus .

  12. 另外,快速眼动睡眠(REM)期起于大脑的冲动也引起勃起,无论此时你是否在做性梦或关于事先无准备考试的梦。

    In addition , impulses from the brain during the REM phase of sleep cause erections , whether you 're dreaming about sex or about a test you forgot to study for .

  13. 她解释道:这样做的原因是在90分钟的午睡中,你能经历所有的睡眠阶段:第二阶段睡眠、慢波睡眠和快速眼动睡眠(REM)。

    The reason for this is because in a 90-minute nap , you go through all the major sleep stages : stage two sleep , slow-wave sleep and REM sleep , she explains .

  14. 然而,它会减少你的快速眼动睡眠(REM),这是唯一能让身体充分恢复、为清醒地早晨做好准备的睡眠模式。

    However , it reduces their rapid eye movement ( REM ) sleep , the only phase during the sleep cycle when the body recovers and prepares itself for the waking part of the day .

  15. 在S1、S2、S3、S4期小波熵均值在4个节律带的波动幅度要明显大于清醒期和快速眼动睡眠期。

    The fluctuated range of WE value of the four basal rhythm bands was obviously larger during S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 sleep stage than resting conscious stage and NREM sleep stage .

  16. 我们还知道7个月大小的胎儿也做梦,胎儿的肌肉和眼动能清清楚楚地反映出快速眼动睡眠(REM)和非快速眼动睡眠(non-REM)信号。

    We also know that at seven months a fetus is dreaming , its muscles and eye movements giving the tell-tale signs of REM ( or rapid eye movement ) sleep and non-REM sleep .

  17. 单基因能够改变我们所相信的一个人基本的需求,尽管这听起来似乎很奇怪,然而研究者认为DEC2帮助人在快速眼动睡眠状况下睡得更有效率。

    While it might seem odd that a single gene could change what we believe is a basic human need , those studying the DEC2 mutation believe it 's helping people to sleep more efficiently with more intense REM states .

  18. 快速眼动睡眠剥夺对大鼠线索性恐惧消退再现的影响

    Effects of REM sleep deprivation on recall of cued fear extinction in rats

  19. 一两杯酒虽少却会大大减少快速眼动睡眠。

    REM sleep is greatly reduced with as few as just two drinks .

  20. 在快速眼动睡眠过程中,这三种神经递质全部被抑制了。

    During REM Sleep , all three of these neurotransmitters are switched off .

  21. 那些患有严重睡眠障碍的人通常在入睡后就立刻进入快速眼动睡眠。

    Those with severe sleep disorders often enter REM sleep immediately upon falling asleep .

  22. 猝倒可以减少抗抑郁药物,抑制快速眼动睡眠。

    Cataplexy can be reduced by antidepressant drugs , which suppress rapid eye movement sleep .

  23. 也许你听说过只有在眼球高速运动或者快速眼动睡眠时才会做梦。

    You 've probably heard that dreams only occur during rapid eye movement or REM sleep .

  24. 血清素有助于睡眠,但更重要的是,血清素能帮助你进入“快速眼动睡眠”。

    Serotonin helps you sleep , but more importantly , serotonin helps you get REM sleep .

  25. 当你处于快速眼动睡眠状态时,显示为绿色;

    The REM sleep , rapid eye movement , dream state , is in light green ;

  26. 他们发现,脑干中的某些细胞只在快速眼动睡眠阶段才产生电化学信号。

    They found that some cells in the brain stem produce electrochemical signals only during REM sleep .

  27. 在快速眼动睡眠期,大脑高度活跃,对白天的数据资料进行整理和分类。

    During the rapid-eye-movement phases , the brain is wildly active , sorting and categorizing the day 's data .

  28. 但是,最诱人的地方还在这里:在快速眼动睡眠阶段,身体的其他部位几乎纹丝不动。

    But here 's the fascinating part : During REM sleep , the rest of your body essentially becomes paralyzed .

  29. 它只能增加你的深睡眠周期,并且剥夺你的快速眼动睡眠。

    What it will do , however , is increase your deep sleep cycle and rob you of REM sleep .

  30. 某些证据表明快速眼动睡眠可能是大脑长期适应生活经验形成的。

    Some evidence suggests that Rapid Eye Movement Sleep may be a time when the brain adapts to life experiences .