
jǐnɡ jué xìnɡ
  • alertness;vigilance
  1. 后者则指一个人连续几天或几周不合眼。长期处于睡眠负债的状况中,不但会影响情绪、工作表现、还会减低记忆力、警觉性、注意力和判断力、并且加速老化,甚至引发其它疾病。

    Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks . A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upset , compromise work performance , weaken memory , alertness , attention as well as judgment . It may also speed up one ’ s ageing process and lead to other types of diseases .

  2. 该集团表示,冠能senior(proplansenior)“是第一种、也是唯一一种含有抗老化物质的狗粮,事实证明,这种混合营养物质能够改善老年犬的认知功能和精神警觉性。”

    The group says its pro plan senior is " the first and only dog food to contain anti age a nutrient blend proven to improve cognitive function and mental alertness in senior dogs . "

  3. 睡眠惯性(SI)又称睡眠惰性,是指唤醒后立即出现的一段暂时的低警觉性、迷惑、行为混乱和认知能力、感觉能力下降的状态。

    Sleep inertia ( SI ) defines a period of transitory hypovigilance , confusion , disorientation of behavior and impaired cognitive and sensory-motor performance that immediately follows awakening .

  4. 目的研究两种不同剂量咖啡因在海拔3000m对睡眠剥夺下警觉性的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of caffeine on alertness during 30 h sleep deprivation at 3000m altitude .

  5. 认识高度近视合并POAG时的临床特点,有利于提高临床医师对该病的警觉性及早期诊断水平。

    Recognizing the early clinical characteristics of HM with POAG may help us to improve the proficiency of early detection and diagnosis of HM with POAG .

  6. 高原(海拔3700m)30hsD可以降低唤醒水平,使警觉性下降,影响认知加工能力。

    30h SD in the plateau condition may degrade the arousal level , vigilance and the cognitive and handling ability .

  7. 结果:伴有成绩不良的ADHD儿童的听觉及反应控制商、听觉审慎性、一致性、听、视觉注意商、警觉性、集中度均低于不伴成绩不良组,但无显著性差异。

    Results : Compared with ADHD children without learning disability , ADHD children with learning disability got lower score in auditory response control quotient , auditory prudence , auditory consistency , auditory , visual attention quotient , vigilance and focus , but with no significant difference .

  8. 媒介环境学家对专门化(专家)问题的警觉性认知

    Media Ecologists ' Vigilance against the Problem of " Specialization "

  9. 他们说橙汁能提高警觉性,加强认知功能。

    Orange juice is said to increase alertness and cognitive function .

  10. 它也能促使精力集中和提升大脑警觉性。

    It can also boost mental focus and improve alertness .

  11. 因此,本研究称警觉为警觉性注意。

    Therefore , in this research , vigilance is called vigilant attention .

  12. 你要不断保持带怀疑的警觉性。

    You will maintain a constant state of suspicious alertness .

  13. 加强卫生宣传,提高公众对结核病的警觉性。

    Reinforcing health education to improve public awareness on TB .

  14. 睡眠呼吸紊乱患者的警觉性测定

    Assessment of vigilance for patients with sleep disordered breathing

  15. 酒精使人失去判断力和警觉性。

    Alcohol causes a loss of judgment and alertness .

  16. 还有一位在定期的警觉性测试中表现出长期睡眠不足的迹象。

    And one exhibited signs of chronic sleep deprivation in regular alertness tests .

  17. 据报道早晨吃早餐会使人的警觉性更高。

    People who eat a meal in the morning have reported feeling more alert .

  18. 在陌生处境时,我会稍微保持警觉性。

    I am rather cautious in unfamiliar situations .

  19. 在街上必须随时保持警觉性,观察四周状况,包括身后;

    Keep alert anytime on the street , pay attention to your around include back .

  20. 综合以往经典研究观点,开发了警觉性量表。

    The author developed a scale for entrepreneurial alertness on the basis of previous literature .

  21. 它是对生命的一种清醒的体验,一种对生命永恒的过程的警觉性的参与。

    It is the wakeful experience of life , an alert participation in the ongoing process of living .

  22. 海洋组织预估随着船只警觉性提高,海盗成功的手的机会将会下降。

    The bureau also reckons that , as ships take more precautions , the pirates'success rate will drop .

  23. 但富含纤维和碳水化合物的早餐,如燕麦,会使你整个早晨都拥有持久的警觉性。

    But meals high in fiber and carbohydrates like oats are linked to lasting alertness throughout the morning .

  24. 提高市民及保安业对这类罪案的警觉性,争取他们的支持以采取适当的防盗措施。

    Promote awareness amongst the community and security industry and enlist their support to adopt appropriate preventive measures .

  25. 结论以阳性症状为主的精神分裂症患者有更低的睡眠阶段2比例可能与该组患者的高警觉性有关。

    Conclusion : Lower S2 percent in patients characterized by positive syndrome may be accounted for by patients'high vigilance .

  26. 有症状后,因警觉性低及经济困难未就诊。

    Lower awareness on TB and financial problem were the main causes why symptomatic had not present clinical consultation .

  27. 上述结果表明,作为一种独特的注意形式,警觉性注意具有自身独特的加工机制。

    The above results showed that as a special attention form , vigilant attention had its own processing mechanism .

  28. 阿拉伯,还研制出了高昂的斗志和用于袭击和马需要的警觉性战争。

    The Arabian also developed the high spirit and alertness needed in a horse used for raiding and war .

  29. 即使是轻微脱水也会造成不利影响,降低警觉性和注意力,导致疲倦。

    Even mild dehydration can take a toll , decreasing alertness and mental concentration , and contributing to fatigue .

  30. 她有着特别的警觉性,因此她告诉迈克尔说这些人不是那么的高兴。

    With her usual alert intelligence she remarked on the fact that these four men did not seem particularly happy .