
Research of Parallel Artificial Immune Network Memory Classification Algorithm
Unconscious Priming and the Category of Memory
Related characteristics of memory classification
Another great way to remember your categories ( especially in the case of a shopping list ) is to remember your categories in the order that they are found in the supermarket .
The battery to assess cognition included five tests measuring general cognition , verbal memory , and category fluency .
If you categorize the information you need to remember , you will find it much easier .
At the same time , the development of unconscious priming research had or likely had a major effect on the structure and category of memory .
It focuses on several attempts on improving the efficiency in vocabulary learning for non-English majors according to the obstacles they usually met , they are : the introduction of affixation , classifications and applications in memorizing the vocabulary , extensive reading and to review by many methods .
A series of cognitive tests including Visual Memory Test , WCST , Trail Making Test , Stroop Test , Verbal Fluency Test and the Yale Global Tic severity scale were applied to the participants .
Research of Artificial Immune Network Memory Classifier in Web Text Classification
The results show that artificial immune network memory can be used to solve the problems of classification .
In this paper , literature is reviewed on the concept , classification and structure of the organizational memory . Three characteristics of the organizational memory are emphasized as historical , knowledge value and collective .
The importance of components of memoried patterns for classification and recognition of them can be quantitatively evaluated by OPE rule .
METHODS : The digit span test of Wechsler Child Intelligence Scale , the logical memory and visual memory test of Wechsler Memory Scale , and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test were used to assess the memory and executive functions of ADHD children .