
  1. 压力理论可以对警察职业性质及其亚文化现象进行解释。

    This paper points out that the " theory of pressure " can be applied to explain the occupational character of the police and its subculture phenomenon .

  2. 基层警察的行动性质、逻辑分析及管理路径

    On the Action Nature , Logical Analysis and Management of Basic-level Police

  3. 警察权的性质是行政权,而非司法权。

    The nature of police rights is administrative rights , but not judicial ones .

  4. 因为人民警察是武装性质的国家专政机器,担负着打击犯罪,保护人民的神圣职责。

    Because police is an armed dictatorship machine , charged with the sacred duty of striking crime and protecting the people ;

  5. 本文主要阐述了警察权的性质、内容、行使原则以及保障等四个方面的内容。

    The paper mainly expounds the nature , the content , the exercise principle and the safeguard of the right of police .

  6. 我国的人民警察是武装性质的刑事司法和行政执法力量,担负着打击犯罪,保护人民的重要职责。

    The policeman is the power of justice and executive law enforcement in china , and they hold the duty to protect our people .

  7. 指出作为行政权,风景名胜区管理权实为一种公权力,具有警察权的性质。

    The paper points out that the administrative power of scenic spots is public power and has the nature of " police power " .

  8. 警察的政治性质内生于警察与国家的同起同源,与国家发展的相生相随;

    The internal political nature of the police is the normality of the state , because the police and the state appear at the same time and the institute of the police be matured with the institute of the state .

  9. 第二章:警察出庭作证的性质。

    The second chapter : The nature of the police who testify appear in court .

  10. 警察是具有武装性质的维护社会治安、惩治犯罪、保卫国家安全的国家行政力量。

    Police is a national armed enforcement profession which aimed to maintain social order , punish crime and secure the country .

  11. 人民警察佩枪是人民警察性质和任务决定的。

    Wearing guns for policeman is determined by the police 's character and task ;

  12. 对警察权力的法定和警察责任性质的认同,为警察权的可控性提供了理论和现实的可能,对加强警察权的合理配置和法律制约,有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Police responsibility of the police powers of nature and the recognition of the continent for the police to provide the theoretical and practical possibilities to strengthen police powers to the rational allocation and the law has important theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 分析警察人际交往状况,发现警察高自我价值感对人际交往有着负效应,且警察的工作性质易产生高自我价值感的压力。

    Through the analysis on police colleague-relation , it is found that the sense of over-self-value of police has negative effect on their connections and that the professional nature of police can easily cause the pressure of the sense of over-self-value .