
jiě yán
  • declare martial law ended;lift a curfew
解严 [jiě yán]
  • (1) [declare martial law ended]∶解除戒严状态

  • (2) [lift a curfew]∶解除戒备措施

  • 解严继好,使彼懈而无备

解严[jiě yán]
  1. 最后提出解严以后教育改革运动对于教育发展之正面和负面的影响。

    Finally , it describes the positive and negative influences of educational reform movement .

  2. 本研究发现,解严后诗刊在刊物总量上有消退的现象。

    This research shows that the quantity of publishing poetic periodicals has been decreasing since the Post-Martial Law Era came .

  3. 台湾是在1987年的7月1日解严,环保署则是在8月22日成立。

    Martial law was lifted on July 1 , 1987 and the EPA was established on August 22 the same year .

  4. 即令在解严后,仍有部分司法人员之观念与心态,并未随之改变与调整。

    Even after the lifting of martial law , there are still some judicial officers who have not changed or adjusted their mindset about detention practice .

  5. 而1988年政治解严为建筑界铺陈了一个允许与鼓励建筑美学百花齐放的政经环境。

    In 1988 the political transition laid out a political and economic environment of architectural aesthetics to permit and encourage all flowers bloom together for the construction industry .

  6. 解严后随著价值多元、网路媒体兴盛,诗人加入诗社或兴办诗刊风潮渐退。

    With the rise of diversified values and the rise of network and media after the Martial Law Era , the wave among poets of joining poetic clubs or founding poetic periodicals began to decline .

  7. 同时族群问题也在解严后浮出历史地表,成为众声喧哗的文学场域中一个不可忽略的因素,族群隐喻也是眷村小说吸引众多关注的重要因素。

    Besides , ethnic problems had become evident after the lifting of martial law . The ethnic metaphor about Military dependents villages ' novels is an important factor of arousing the concern of readers . And it becomes an important factor in the tumultuous literature field .