
  1. 按规范化原则改革金融体制

    Reforming the financial system in accordance with the principle of standardization

  2. 层次标题的拟定应遵循规范化原则、逻辑性原则、准确性原则和对称性原则。

    The principles of standardization , logic , precise and symmetry should be followed in designing the level titles .

  3. 分析了科技汉语词汇的分类、造词原则、规范化原则等。

    It also makes an analysis on the classification on them , the principle of word creation and the standardization .

  4. 在推进标准化工作中应遵循政策性原则,简化性原则,正确性原则,继承与创新原则和规范化原则。推行标准化工作应加强领导,狠抓落实;

    When it is being carried out , we must follow some principles , such as , simplicity , correctness , inheritance and innovation .

  5. 一是经营权与管理权分开原则,二是社会环境效益优先兼顾经济效益原则,三是经营方式灵活多样、经营流程规范化原则。

    The first principle , the right to operate and manage should be separation . The second is the social cost-effective environmental benefits , taking into account the principle of priority . And the third principle is flexible and diversified mode of operation , business process standardization .

  6. 结合制造业应用情况,归纳了基于Multi-Agent的分布式制造控制系统的规范化设计原则;

    Generalized relevant principles for the design and development of Multi-Agent based Distributed Manufacturing Control System ;

  7. 对这些特点的研究,有助于制订汉语方言词汇规范化的原则。

    Research for these characteristics will help us to work out the principle for the Chinese dialect vocabulary standardize .

  8. 并应按照顾客导向、知识管理、系统整合、运作规范化等原则来进行第三方物流整合;

    Should also combine third party 's logistics according to such principles as customer 's leading , information management , combining , operation standardization systematically , etc.

  9. 本文对培训数据库的结构和构建进行了研究,以实用性、可扩充性、标准化、规范化为原则构造最优数据库结构。

    This paper studies the structure of the database in power dispatching training system , and builds the optimal database structure so that it is practical , extensible and standardized .

  10. 对于当代地名的标准化处理,必须联系语言文字规范化的原则和方法来进行,所以,地名研究离不开语言学,地名是语言学研究的重要内容之一。

    The standardized treatment for contemporary names must relate language standardization to the principles and methods , therefore , place names cannot be separated from linguistics researches , which is one of the important contents of linguistics researches .

  11. 期刊编辑应把握好不同层级的语言规范化标准与原则,对稿件作出相应的规范化处理。

    The periodical editors should grasp the different norms and principles on different levels and handle the manuscripts according to proper standards .

  12. 践行以学生为本,在班级管理中应坚持全面发展原则、交往对话原则、自我管理原则、规范化和制度化原则。

    Practice with the students , in class management should adhere to the principle of comprehensive development , the principle of dialogue exchanges , self-management principles , norms and institutional principle .

  13. 研究国内外临床试验规范化统计分析指导原则的内涵,根据我国的国情以及临床实际工作中的习惯,确定遵循指导原则的操作方法;

    Studying the connotation of standardized statistical analysis of clinical trial worldwide , ensuring the operation method followed the guideline according to the situation of our country and the clinical practice habit ;

  14. 从中引发的对规范化工作中语用原则的思考可以为现代汉语规范化工作由静态观向动态观的转型提供有力的佐证。

    Meanwhile , the reflection on the pragmatic principles in normalization can be used as a positive support in the transformation of Contemporary Chinese normalization from a static way to a dynamic one .

  15. 本文根据规范化数据库设计的原则,系统地、全面地分析了非规范化设计提高数据库效率的非规范化技术,提出了文献数据库优化设计的方法与策略。

    Based on the design principle of standardized database , this paper systematically analyzes the nonstandardized technique about how to raise the efficiency of database , it also offers the methods and tactics on how to improve the design of documental database .

  16. 第三,本文分析了当代中国制约党政关系规范化的因素及根源,并对党政关系规范化的原则及路径选择进行了论述。

    Thirdly , this article analyzes the factors and causes which constrain the normalization of party-government relationship in contemporary China and then discourses the principles and route choices of the normalization of party-government relationship .

  17. 第4章&规范化阅读教学实施:(1)提出规范化阅读的教学原则,有作者-文本-读者三极整合原则、合作原则、人文关怀原则、对话原则等。

    Chapter 4 Performance of normal reading instruction :( 1 ) Pointing out principles of normal reading which is connection of author , text and reader . cooperation principle , human principle .

  18. 为促进科技期刊论文作者及作者单位著录格式的规范化,对作者及其单位常见著录格式的缺陷和不足进行分析,并提出科技论文作者及其单位著录格式规范化的原则和建议。

    In order to strengthen the standardization of arrangements of author names and addresses of papers in sci-tech periodicals , the shortcomings of the common patterns are analyzed , and the principles for standardization are suggested .