
  • 网络power
  1. 中国人的关系取向与渠道权力运用

    Chinese Relational Orientation and the Use of Channel Power

  2. 论企业组织中的权力运用

    Power Applications in Enterprise Organizations

  3. BachanAnand在两个角色的权力运用方面持不同意见

    Bachan Anand sees a difference in the authority wielded by the two roles

  4. 权力运用是维持与发展成功交易关系的一种重要机制。

    Among these mechanisms , power use is an important mechanism which can maintain and coordinate successful exchange relationships .

  5. 第三,权力运用要改革:加大改革力度;加强配套制度建设。

    Thirdly , authority applies needing to reform : Strengthen reforming ; Reinforce supporting formulating essential rules and regulations .

  6. 渠道成员相互依赖对权力运用影响的实证研究&私人关系的调节作用

    An Empirical Research on the Influence of Interdependence on Use of Channel Power & the Moderating Role of Personal Relationship

  7. 对领导干部权力运用的审计监督,要确保重点,把握住关键环节;

    The leader 's authority to audit , needs to grasp the main and important points , masters the key processes ;

  8. 其次,表现为社会制度构建总是以一定的假设为基础,具体表现为人性恶假设和权力运用假设。

    Secondly , a social system always designs on a certain hypothesis , it incorporates as the hypotheses of evil human nature and manipulation of the power .

  9. 追诉时效制度的内容会对刑事诉讼程序中的国家权力运用产生引导作用,而合理的赦免制度则对刑事诉讼程序产生正当化的作用。

    The limitation of prosecution will guide the exercise of state power in criminal procedure , and reasonable amnesty system will have a justified effect on criminal procedure .

  10. 他们认同我的关于权力运用的实用主义,也认同美国作为全球领袖角色的重要意义。

    They share my pragmatism about the use of power , and my sense of purpose about America 's role as a leader in the world , he said .

  11. 考虑到现有渠道绩效测量研究的不足,论文将关系价值作为测量渠道绩效的代用指标,以全面反映权力运用对渠道关系的影响和作用。

    Given the measure deficiency , this paper uses relationship value as predictor of channel performance measure , fully reflecting the impact and role of power exercise on channel relationship .

  12. 东西方文化差异可能会使得东西方企业在渠道权力运用态度方面产生差异,这种差异又可能会导致在东方文化环境下,权力运用与其他关系构念的关系发生变化。

    The cultural difference between China and western countries can lead to the diverse impact of power usage on the other relationship constructs , and make enterprise use distinct power strategies in the same conditions .

  13. 然后,论文利用态度改变理论与有机整合理论分别探讨了制造商权力运用与经销商依从、情感承诺之间的关系;使用认知评价理论探讨了权力运用与关系价值之间的关系。

    Then author adopts attitude change theory and organismic integration theory to develop hypothesis associating power usage with compliance and emotional commitment , uses cognitive evaluation theory to develop hypothesis associating power usage with relationship value .

  14. 因此对传统政治统治权力运用的程序、规则、方法、艺术等问题进行探讨、总结和扬弃,就有很重要的历史意义和现实价值。

    We should have a critical eye on them and try to investigate thoroughly the procedure , rule , method and art of traditional operation of political governing power . Such a study has great historical and realistic significance .

  15. 新公共服务理论使得政府的权威、控制力、管理能力和权力运用的方式和方法等发生了根本性转变,从而使公共服务回归到以人为本的轨道上来。

    Fundamental changes have been induced in the government authorities , control force , management capacity and power implementation by using the new theory of pulbic management , by which the public service is brought into the mode of humanistics .

  16. 论文提出并验证了权力运用对关系价值产生直接与间接双重影响的观点,而且还比较了权力结构、权力运用与权力结果变量之间的影响效果。

    This paper puts forward and tests the view that power use has a direct and indirect influence on channel performance , and compares the effect of power structure on power outcomes with the impact of power use on power outcomes .

  17. 大多数现有渠道文献只是探讨了渠道成员权力运用与冲突、满意、信任、承诺等行为变量之间的关系;而忽略了渠道管理者最为关心的渠道绩效问题。

    The majority of extant channel literature investigates the relationship between power usage and some behavioral variables such as conflict , satisfaction , trust , commitment and so on , but , in certain extent , overlooks channel performance about which practitioners are concerned .

  18. 行政问责的制度化就是对权力运用的一种常态化监督,是一种有效的控制政府权力、规范政府行为的制度,对于明确政府责任、构建法治政府具有着重要的作用。

    The institutionalization of administrative accountability , which is the use of power as normalization supervision , is an effective system to control government power and to regulate government action . It has an important role for the clear responsibility of the Government and the construction of law-based government .

  19. 这两家公司都非比寻常,它们的竞争对手对权力的运用要更明智一些。

    Both companies are unusual and rivals have used power more wisely .

  20. 行政伦理源于行政权力的运用与实施。

    Administrative ethics source in administrative authority utilization and implementation .

  21. 政治权力如何运用与行使才是合理的、应该的;

    How to exercise political power is reasonable ;

  22. 刑事诉讼中国家权力的运用可能与被追诉人的财产权产生尖锐的冲突。

    The enforcement of the criminal judicial power may influence defendant 's property right seriously in criminal procedure .

  23. 领导风格是指领导者在影响人的过程中对权力的运用方式,也叫领导方式。

    Leadership style is the pattern of behaviors to influence others , as perceived by those being influenced .

  24. 对权力的运用过程进行透明公开,建立阳光行政的权力框架;

    Third , we should open the procedure of power using and set up a power system of public administration .

  25. 这个角色的一切聚光灯和照相机,宏大的排场,对权力的运用有如家常便饭都与卡梅伦的自我形象相符。

    Everything about the role the arc lights and cameras , the pomp and circumstance and the habitual exercise of power fits Mr Cameron 's self-image .

  26. 工商行政管理机关是代表国家行使行政权力并运用行政权力,对商品生产者和经营者及其市场运行秩序进行管理和监督。

    The commercial administrative organ represents the nation to exercise the administrative power and operate it to monitor the marketing management of the producers and dealers .

  27. 公务员的行为只要涉及到行政权力的运用,就具备了职务行为的本质特征,就应认定为职务行为。

    If an official 's behavior is as far involved in the use of administrative power , it has the essence of duty conduct and could be identified as official conduct .

  28. 权威、权力的运用,地方课程政策、社会团体的专业支持和课程的社会评价等,这些超越学校的外部因素与内部因素相互作用,对课程实施产生着显性的或隐性的影响。

    In addition to that , authority , exertion of power , local curriculum policy professional support and curriculum social evaluation , all these affect the curriculum implementation publicly or recessively .

  29. 而行政垄断是行政主体滥用行政权力,运用强制手段排斥、限制或妨碍合法竞争,破坏社会主义市场经济竞争关系,侵害市场公平竞争秩序的行为。

    Administrative monopoly refers to illegal administrative acts of administrative organ , which abuse authority and use forcible means to exclude , restrict or obstruct legal competition , destroy the competitive relations in socialist market or immensely endanger fair market competitive system .

  30. 首先,基于一种政治学的视角,从政治文化、政治社会功能、权力技术运用、司法权力组织模式四个方面,分析为什么采用模范评选这一形式。

    First of all , based on a political science perspective , from the political culture , political and social functions , powers technology application , and judicial power organizational model to analyze why the use of this form of model selection .