
  • 网络rule engine;Ilog;Drools
  1. BusinessRuleTask表示将由某种类型的业务规则引擎执行的活动。

    A Business Rule Task represents an activity that is to be performed by a business rules engine of some kind .

  2. 一个典型的例子就是规则引擎(rulesengine,比如Drools)。

    A typical example might be something like a rules engine ( like Drools ) .

  3. 基于Java规则引擎的汽车发动机故障诊断专家系统研究与开发

    Automobile Engine Fault Diagnosis Expert System Based on Java Rule Engine

  4. Java规则引擎&Drools的介绍及应用

    Introduction and Implementation of Drools & a Rule Engine Based Java

  5. 用Java语言实现了改进后的规则引擎和规则管理工具。

    The thesis implemented an improved rule engine and rule management tools by Java .

  6. 所有的证书和方针均使用javaexpertsystemshell(一种Java平台的规则引擎)来定义。

    All credentials and policies are defined using Java Expert System Shell , a rule engine for the JAVA platform .

  7. 基于规则引擎的JAVA声明式编程

    Rule Engine-based Java declarative programming

  8. 要轻松地集成EnterpriseServiceBus(ESB),规则引擎作为一个Web服务部署。

    To easily integrate with the Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ), the rule engine is deployed as a Web service .

  9. 它使用WebSphereOperationalDecisionManager实现规则引擎来执行数独业务规则。

    It uses a WebSphere Operational Decision Manager implementation of the rule engine to execute the Sudoku business rules .

  10. 基于规则引擎的XML数据操作研究,将会为简化涉及XML数据处理的业务过程提供一个参考方案。

    Rule Engine-based XML date operation research will provide a referential resolution to simplify business process related to XML data operation .

  11. 基于EJB的业务规则引擎的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Business Rule Engine Based on EJB

  12. 使用规则引擎可以显著降低实现Java应用程序中业务规则逻辑的组件的复杂性。

    Using a rules engine can significantly reduce the complexity of components that implement the business-rules logic in your Java applications .

  13. 这些语句使用一个名为insert的方法更新规则引擎中的知识。

    These statements use a method named insert to update the knowledge in the rules engine .

  14. 这使您可以获得关于规则引擎在特定时刻所处理的知识(knowledge)(在本文的后面您将熟悉这个术语)的信息。

    This gives you information about the knowledge a term you 'll become familiar with later in this article that the rules engine possesses at a particular moment in time .

  15. 为了便于理解,让我们以使用规则引擎为例,该引擎在给定时间只能处理X个事务。

    To exemplify this , consider using a rules engine , which can process only X number of transactions in a given time .

  16. 如果此规则引擎挂钩到SOA应用程序,就会造成约束,使性能级别不高于X。

    If this rules engine is hooked to an SOA application , it becomes a constraint in achieving performance levels higher than X.

  17. 示例程序使用Drools规则引擎对Machine类的实例求值。

    The sample program uses the Drools rules engine to evaluate instances of the Machine class .

  18. 基于Rete算法的JAVA规则引擎

    JAVA Rules Engines Based on Rete Algorithm

  19. 应用服务器或应用程序客户机使用XU连接规则引擎。

    The application server or application client uses the XU to connect to the rule engine .

  20. 其他规则引擎允许使用脚本语言(比如Groovy或Python)编写规则。

    Others let you write rules using scripting languages such as Groovy or Python .

  21. 在J2EE应用程序中,业务逻辑经常会分布在Java类、XML文件、门户以及规则引擎配置文件中。

    Very often the business logic in J2EE applications is distributed between Java classes , XML files , portal and rule engine configurations , etc.

  22. 规则引擎处理后,如果有响应消息,消息驱动规则bean就负责发送响应消息。

    After the rule engine processing , the message-driven rule bean takes charge of sending response messages , if there are any .

  23. 根据上述业务流程/业务规则引擎能力和SOA分解的对比,选择技术时可以参考下列建议

    Based on the above comparison of business processes / business rules engines capabilities and SOA decomposition the following recommendations can be made for technology choice

  24. global声明让规则引擎知道,某个对象应该可以从规则中访问,但该对象不应是用于对规则条件求值的知识的一部分。

    The global declaration lets the rules engine know that an object should be accessible from within your rules but that it should not be part of the knowledge used to evaluate the rules'conditions .

  25. 基于J2ME与规则引擎的无线移动应用系统框架的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Wireless Mobile Application System Framework Based on J2ME and Rule Engine

  26. Web服务部署&可以将规则引擎部署为Web服务,可以通过标准简单对象访问协议(SOAP)接口从其他应用程序进行访问。

    Web service deployment & Allows the rules engine to be deployed as a Web service , accessible from other applications via a standard Simple Object Access Protocol ( SOAP ) interface .

  27. 首先介绍了EJB,然后从设计和实现两个方面讨论了一种基于EJB的业务规则引擎技术。

    This paper first introduces EJB , then discusses a technology of business rule engine based on EJB from design and implementation .

  28. 基于Rete算法的规则引擎设计及在学科智能导学中的应用

    The Design of Rete Algorithm and Its Application in the Intelligent Guidance

  29. 在这个初始版本中,架构规则引擎已经提供了定义简单规则的能力,例如“类/包A不应该用在类/包B中”。

    In this initial version , the architecture rules engine offers already the ability to define simple rules such as " class / package A should not be used from class / package B " .

  30. BizTalk使用商业规则引擎加载当前已有的策略(Policies),这些策略就是来自于业务流程中一些规则的集合。

    Business Rules Engine is used by BizTalk to load the current policies which are a collection of Rules from the Orchestration .