
  1. 因此及时更换资产,保持其工作在最佳的电能传输状态,防止资源的浪费,从而规避管制风险,是电网资产管理中的重要工作。

    Thus , timely replacement of the asset , to assure the best power-transporting condition , to avoid the waste of resource and finally to avert regulatory risks , is essential in the power grid asset regulation .

  2. 西方国家商业银行的业务创新一般是基于两个目的,一是追求利润,从创新中牟利;二是规避管制,增加经营的灵活性。

    Generally speaking , financial business innovations in western countries are aimed at two targets , one is to pursue profit , especially make profit from innovations , and the other is to escape regulation , so strengthen the management flexibility .

  3. 首先,从商业银行利润最大化要求、利率市场化推动和规避管制等方面分析了个人理财产品的创新动因,并对个人理财产品创新的经济效应加以阐述。

    First , from the points of commercial banks ' profit maximization requirement , the interest rate marketization and to circumvent regulation , we analyze the motivation of personal financing products innovation , and elaborate on the impact of personal financing products innovation .

  4. 其中一家还表示愿意帮助买家规避出口管制。

    One also expressed willingness to help avoid export controls .

  5. 硬商品发挥了规避资本管制的作用。

    Hard commodities played the role of money to circumvent capital controls .

  6. 60年代主要以规避政策管制的金融创新使美国的商业银行走出困境,防止了金融脱媒现象的发生;

    In 1960s , the financial innovation which to avoid the policy made American commercial out of the problem ;

  7. 跨国公司转移定价是为了优化资金配置、规避税负、规避东道国的各种管制、规避国际金融风险以及争夺、控制市场。

    Transfer pricing of transitional corporation aims to optimize capital allocation , to avoid tax and regulation from the host country and international financial risks , and to seize and control market .