
  • 网络Spagna;Plaza Espanya;piazza di spagna;Spanish Steps;Plaza de Espana
  1. 仅仅两年之后,麦当劳在罗马著名的西班牙广场(PiazzadiSpagna)开店,由此引发的抗议成就了慢食运动(slowfoodmovement),乃至以后的全面慢速运动。

    Just two years later McDonalds open a restaurant in Piazza di Spagna , Rome , which caused protests that sparked the slow food movement , and more generally the slow everything movement .

  2. 市政府聘请了一个专门清洁西班牙广场台阶的专业团队&我不知道这要花费多少钱,但这条法规无疑能让他们的工作更轻松。

    The city employs a specialist team just to clean the stairs of Piazza di Spagna - I don 't know how much that costs , but this law will certainly make their lives easier .

  3. 在西班牙广场。

    En Plaza de Espa ñ a.

  4. 通过对西班牙Olite广场的介绍分析,从建筑语汇、文脉暗示以及精确的对位关系等几个方面对其进行解读,揭示Olite广场设计中所蕴涵的城市文化。

    By analyzing its architectural metaphor , historical implication , as well as its accurate homologous relationship , this paper introduces the design of Olite Square in Spain so as to reveal its urban context in city design .

  5. 5月份在西班牙首都马德里市中心广场举行集会的抗议者又回来了,这一次他们有了新的目标:西班牙银行法,这是欧洲最严格的银行法之一,尤其是在抵押贷款方面。

    The Spanish protesters who first took over Madrid 's central square in May are back again , this time with a new target : Spain 's banking laws , which are some of the strictest in Europe , particularly when it comes to mortgages .