
  • 网络Sisyphus;Sisyphe
  1. 但是,就像阿尔贝加缪(AlbertCamus)说的那样,我们必须相信西西弗斯是快乐的。

    But , as Albert Camus said , we have to believe that Sisyphus is happy .

  2. 正是因为这种回复、停歇,我对西西弗斯产生了兴趣。

    It is during that return , that pause , that Sisyphus interests me .

  3. 日复一日的工作有时候会让我们觉得自己像西西弗斯(Sisyphus)一般周而复始地推着石头。

    The routines of work can sometimes make it seem like a Sisyphean task .

  4. 创造这些神话是为了让人的想象使西西弗斯的形象栩栩如生。

    Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them .

  5. 第三小节论述了精神漂泊者们西西弗斯式的反抗。

    The third section illustrates spiritual drifters ' Sisyphus-type revolt .

  6. 但西西弗斯教会我们以更高的忠诚否定诸神,举起重石。

    But Sisyphus teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks .

  7. 西西弗斯一切无声的喜悦均包容于此。

    All Sisyphus'silent joy is contained therein .

  8. 造成西西弗斯痛苦的清醒意识同时也就造就了他的胜利。

    The lucidity that was to constitute his torture at the same time crowns his victory .

  9. 这个时刻就像一次呼吸那样短促,它的到来与西西弗斯的不幸一样是确定无疑的,这个时刻就是意识的时刻。

    That hour lide a breathing-space which returns as surely as his suffering , that is the hour of consciousness .

  10. 这块巨石上的每一颗粒,这黑黝黝的高山上的每一颗矿砂唯有对西西弗斯形成一个世界。

    Each atom of that stone , each mineral flake of that night filed mountain , in itself forms a world .

  11. 他真是像西西弗斯那样一个劳而不获的可怜虫,因为他的妻子乱花他的钱,并且终于离开了他。

    He was really a Sisyphean poor thing , because his wife squandered his money and went away in the long run .

  12. 那份议案中还有很多其他事情,她也一块一块完成的,“像西西弗斯那样”推着石头上了山顶。

    There are a lot of other things in that bill that she got done piece by piece , pushing that rock up the hill .

  13. 阴郁的原型性人物包括可怕的母亲、毒蛇、阴郁的天使和西西弗斯等形象。

    The characters of the cloudy and gloomy archetypes consist of frightful mothers , the poisonous snakes ( or the monsters ), the gloomy angels and the Sisyphus .

  14. 西西弗斯于是看到巨石在几秒钟内又向着下面的世界滚下,而他则必须把这巨石重新推上山顶。

    Then Sisyphus watches the stone rush down in a few moments toward that lower world whence he will have to push it up again toward the summit .

  15. 数周来,奥巴马如同西西弗斯一般,为就8000亿美元的经济刺激方案达成两党共识不懈地努力,但似乎并没有为白宫赢得反对方的多少支持,后者的敌意反而越来越重。

    Several weeks of Sisyphean efforts at building a bipartisan consensus on his $ 800bn stimulus plan appear to have won the White House very little support from an increasingly hostile opposition .

  16. 因此,盲人从一开始就坚信一切人的东西都源于人道主义,就像讯人渴望看见而又知道默认是无穷尽的一样,西西弗斯永远行进。

    Thus , convinced of the wholly human origin of all that is human , a blind man eager to see who knows that the night has no end , he is still on the go .