- print time

Print time codes were encountered in your file , and their fields have been replaced by counts .
The runReflection () method runs the reflection part of the test , runAccess () runs the direct access part , and run () controls the whole process ( including printing the timing results ) .
Here the wrapper method just saves the current time , then calls the renamed original method and prints a time report before returning the result of the call to the original method .
If the script is going to take more than few seconds to execute , you may want to print the date at the beginning and at the end of the execution of the script .
DIP switch attached to offers four time intervals for regular printout .
Using the program chromatogram can be drawn in CRT screen and the screen displays retention time in every top peak .
A timing ruler at the LPT port of personal computer
T Prints the current time .
Time document was last printed .
The device can automatically measure and record the patients'urinary parameters , such as uroflowrate , voiding time , voided volume , etc. , and print out the flowrate curve versus time .
Besides automatically generating the DOS with working arrangement content and the DOS with switching sequence , this expert system has many other function , such as auto saving , manual saving , editing , querying , printing , changing the operation time and sequence etc.
There is a period of time on the ticket , in this period of time to play this item , you do not have to queue up , to go the FASTPASS line .
Keep printing time of verifying and resuming identical with actual time .
Payment takes significantly less time than scanning , and printing takes less time than payment or scanning .
Specifies the quality of the printing . generally , lower quality printing takes less time to produce .
You no longer need to save a chat to print it , and when you print a chat , everything included in the chat transcript is included , such as time stamps and system messages .