
  • 网络A History of Western Philosophy;A History of Philosophy
  1. 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。

    In the history of western philosophy , the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme . Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology .

  2. 论西方哲学史上的直觉思想

    On the thought of intuition in the history of western philosophy

  3. moralagent一词,是西方哲学史上有着相当长历史的术语,在不同的研究领域它所指代的具体涵义是不同的。

    Moral agent , the word has a long history in the history of western philosophy . In the different research field , the specific meaning is different .

  4. 以episteme为核心,在西方哲学史上形成了一个强劲的理论的知识传统。

    With episteme as the center , a strong theoretical tradition of knowledge took shape .

  5. 西方哲学史研究中的三个神话

    Three Myths the in Study of the History of Western Philosophy

  6. 西方哲学史中的价值主观论和客观论

    The subjective and the objective theories of value in the Western Philosophy

  7. 理性主义与非理性主义是西方哲学史上的两大对立思潮。

    Rationalism and non rationalism are two opposite tides in western philosophy .

  8. 形而上学在西方哲学史上是一个古老的问题。

    Metaphysics is an accidental problem in the history of western philosophy .

  9. 柏拉图主义在西方哲学史上长期占统治地位。

    Platonism occupied a dominant position in traditional Western philosophy .

  10. 在西方哲学史中,良知是一个相对复杂的问题。

    Conscience is a comparatively complex problem in the history of western philosophy .

  11. 在西方哲学史上,本质主义源远流长。

    In the history of Western philosophy , essentialism has a long history .

  12. 皮尔斯是西方哲学史上确认“语言本身的模糊性”的第一位哲学家;

    Peirce was the first philosopher who confirmed the fuzziness of language itself .

  13. 自我意识在西方哲学史上的发展历程

    Development of self-consciousness in the history of western philosophy

  14. 换个角度读西方哲学史

    Another Way of Reading the History of Western Philosophy

  15. 西方哲学史中关于人际关系的思想

    The Thinking of the Interpersonal Relation in the History of the Western Philosophy

  16. 尼采在西方哲学史上是一个影响极大而且颇具争议的伟大哲学家。

    Nietzsche was a great and controversial philosopher in the history of western philosophy .

  17. 西方哲学史上的认识的主体性思想

    Cognitive Subjectivity in the History of Western Philosophy

  18. 美学的发展与西方哲学史的发展密切关联。

    The development of aesthetic and the development of Western philosophy are closely related .

  19. 实体是西方哲学史上的核心范畴。

    " Substance " is a kernel category in the history of western philosophy .

  20. 西方哲学史的历史走势

    The Historical Tendency of the Western Philosophical History

  21. 第一部分,回顾自我意识在西方哲学史中的发展历程。

    Part One reviews the development of self-consciousness in the history of western philosophy .

  22. 在西方哲学史上,亚里士多德是体系化的形而上学的开创者。

    In the history of Western philosophy , Aristotle was the founder of systematic metaphysics .

  23. 建国以来西方哲学史研究的主要成就

    Major Achievements of Research in the History of Western Philosophy since the Founding of New China

  24. 另外,我还选修了西方哲学史,应用文写作等于专业有关科目。

    In addition , I also take the history of Western philosophy , writing professional-related subjects .

  25. 老庄和海德格尔是中国和西方哲学史上两位十分出色的思想家。

    Lao Zhuang and Martin Heidegger are remarkable thinkers in oriental and western history of philosophy .

  26. 时间与自由&西方哲学史上的时间观管窥

    Time & Freedom ── A Restricted View on the Time Outlook of the Western Philosophy History

  27. 西方哲学史教学对于大学生崇高理想信念的培育具有重要意义。

    The teaching of western philosophy history on developing college students ' sublime ideal and belief .

  28. 马克思通过颠覆西方哲学史上的理性活动原则,建立了感性活动原则。

    Marx has constructed the principle of sensuous activity through overthrowing the principle of rational activity .

  29. 语言是西方哲学史上一个古老而又常新的话题。

    Language is an old but a new topic as well in the history of western philosophy .

  30. 在西方哲学史上无论是经验论还是唯理论者都承认经验的重要性。

    In the history of western philosophy , ether empiricism or rationalism admitted the importance of experience .