
  • 网络King of Spain;spanish king;Juan Carlos I
  1. 西班牙国王死后王位传与路易之孙

    The Spanish king died , leaving his empire to Louis ' grandson .

  2. 他被委任为驻马德里[被委任为谒见西班牙国王]的大使。

    He was accredited to / at Madrid / accredited to the Spanish king .

  3. “他唯一一次闯祸是在那次当他举起酒杯的时候,差点撞到了西班牙国王的脸,”Szczerbiak说。

    His lone near-glitch came " when he lifted the cup and almost hit the king of Spain in the face ," Szczerbiak said .

  4. 我受高贵的西班牙国王的命令。

    By order of his majesty , the king of spain .

  5. 愿上帝祝福西班牙国王!

    By the grace of god , king of spain !

  6. 让他的兄弟约瑟夫当上了西班牙国王。

    Made his own brother , joseph , the king of spain .

  7. 法国国王提出比西班牙国王享有优先权。

    The French kings claimed precedence over those of Spain .

  8. 1975年,胡安·卡洛斯在弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥逝世后,宣布成为西班牙国王。

    Juan Carlos was declared King of Spain following the death of Francisco Franco .

  9. 1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    1521 – Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  10. 西班牙国王的女儿。

    The king of Spain 's daughter .

  11. 迎接西班牙国王及王后访问的计划在进行中。

    Plans were afoot for a royal visit from the king and queen of spain .

  12. 第一间雷文卡拉斯酒店是在1992年由西班牙国王和王后主持揭幕的。

    The Raewon Callas the1st was opened in1992 , by the King and Queen of Spain .

  13. 开始的时候,我想嫁给西班牙国王的儿子,唐·卡洛斯。

    At first I wanted to marry the son of the King of Spain , Don Carlos .

  14. 你知道西班牙国王、摩洛哥国王和约旦国王都是业余无线电爱好者吗?

    Did you know that the kings of spain , Morocco and Jordan are all radio hams ?

  15. 开始的时候,我想嫁给西班牙国王的儿子,唐卡洛斯。

    At first I wanted to marry the son of the king of Spain , Don Carlos .

  16. 驱犹的主要原因从表面看仍是披着宗教外衣,西班牙国王想把本国建立成为统一的天主教王国。

    It looked like the Spain king wanted to establish a unified catholic kingdom in religious clothing .

  17. 在1785年,西班牙国王查尔斯三世送了一头公驴给乔治·华盛顿当礼物。

    In 1785 , King Charles III of Spain sent Washington a male donkey as a gift .

  18. 6月2日,西班牙国王胡安·卡洛斯宣布退位。

    Am 2 . Juni k ü ndigt K ö nig Juan Carlos von Spanien seine Abdankung an .

  19. 第三代西班牙国王,费利浦三世试图强行合并,公然挑衅葡萄人的尊严。

    The third Spanish king , Philip III tried to enforce integration , openly attacking the Portuguese nobility .

  20. 历史上的今天-沃尔姆斯帝国议会1521年的今天,西班牙国王查理五世和神圣罗马帝国皇帝召开了沃尔姆斯帝国议会。

    Diet of Worms 1521 - Charles V , Holy Roman Emperor , opens the Diet of Worms .

  21. 一个例子就是,中世纪时期,西班牙国王菲利普二世自称葡萄牙菲利普一世。

    In one case , in the Middle Ages , King Philip II of Spain decided to declare himself Philip I of Portugal .

  22. 星期四,在瓦尔德拉马高尔夫球场,西班牙国王卡洛斯二世宣布欧美高尔夫球对抗赛第32届莱德杯赛正式开幕。

    Spanish King Carlos II opened the32nd Ryder Cup golf tournament between Europe and America in a colourful ceremony at Valderrama course on thursday .

  23. 继今年早前西班牙国王朱安-卡洛斯访华之行之后,星期六一对来自中国的幼年大熊猫作为北京的友善回馈抵达西班牙。

    A pair of giant pandas from China arrived Saturday in Spain as a goodwill gesture from Beijing following Spanish King Juan Carlos'state visit to China earlier this year .

  24. 传说,西班牙国王菲利普四世曾于1664年买下这颗钻石,并把它作为女儿玛格丽特·特蕾莎的嫁妆。

    It 's rumored that King Philip IV of Spain purchased the jewel and included it in the dowry of his teenage daughter , Margaret Teresa , in 1664 .

  25. 我们上个赛季获得了西班牙国王杯,但是我们知道欧洲冠军联赛和西班牙甲级联赛都是非常重要的,所以我们会尝试将它们都赢下来。

    We won the Copa del Rey last season , but we know the Champions League and La Liga are important and we will try to win them also .

  26. 女公爵似乎已经屈服于来自子女的压力,也有传言称西班牙国王胡安卡洛斯劝她不要动真格的。

    It looked as if the duchess had caved in to pressure from her children and a rumored request from Spain 's King Juan Carlos not to formalize her relationship .

  27. 他已经从曾经的初露锋芒成长成为现在拥有的引人注目表现,特别是在萨拉戈萨在西班牙国王杯的决赛中。

    He has really begun to fulfil his potential this term , turning in a number of eye-catching displays , especially during Zaragoza 's run to the Copa del Rey final .

  28. 王妃的预产期为11月,即将出世的孩子将成为第二王位继承人,西班牙国王胡安-卡洛斯和王后索菲亚的独子费利佩王储是第一王位继承人。

    The baby , due in November , will be second in line to the throne after the prince , who is King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia 's only son .

  29. 意大利探险家哥伦布受命西班牙国王,四次率领船队探索新世界,但从来没有完成他最初的目标,也就是找到一条向西通往亚洲的海上航线。

    Columbus , an Italian explorer sailing under the Spanish flag , led four expeditions to the New World , but never accomplished his original goal & to find a western ocean route to Asia .

  30. 埃塔军事组织头目伊本在西班牙国王参观毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆期间,企图对国王发动袭击,并在之后的十多年来一直在逃。

    Ibon Gogeascotxea , who 's described as the military head of Eta , had been on the run for over a decade following an attempt to attack the Guggenheim Museum in Bibao while the Spanish king was visiting .