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  • Seattle
  1. 我们到处旅游了一段时间,最后抵达西雅图。

    We travelled around for a while and landed up in Seattle .

  2. 我从西雅图一路南下到洛杉矶。

    I went down to L.A. all the way from Seattle

  3. 西雅图是适合小型企业发展的沃土。

    Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses .

  4. 他生活中的其他一切都改变了,很久之后他去了西雅图。

    He 'd gone to Seattle long after everything else in his life had changed

  5. 一些慈善资助者,包括华盛顿州西雅图市的比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会及伦敦的威康信托基金会也要求他们的捐款接受人开放数据。

    Some philanthropic funders , including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Seattle , Washington , and the Wellcome Trust in London , also data mandate open data from their grant recipients .

  6. 星巴克已经将它的西雅图最好咖啡的品牌版权出售给了汉堡王,该咖啡将在今年晚些时候开始销售。

    Starbucks has sold rights to its Seattle 's Best coffee brand to Burger King , which will start selling it later this year .

  7. “有大量的证据证明性别影响对于所有层面的大脑功能的重要性,”他告诉《西雅图时报》。

    " There 's a mountain of evidence proving the importance of sex influences at all levels of brain function , " he told The Seattle Times .

  8. 如果想参加精彩科学活动或者纪念此次参观之旅,别忘了顺路逛下西雅图太平洋科学中心的商店。

    Don 't forget to stop by Pacific Science Center 's Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit .

  9. 五年前,我在西雅图的一所学校教艺术,当学期开始的时候就用拼装式玩具作为测试来了解学生。

    Five years ago , when I taught art at a school in Seattle , I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students .

  10. 西雅图只有这么多阳光明媚的日子,但我仍然不能做任何园艺工作。

    There are only so many sunny days in Seattle , and I still can 't do any gardening out there .

  11. 2.GiantShoeMuseum大鞋博物馆大鞋博物馆位于西雅图著名的派克市场,是老西雅图文书商店外围的一面展示墙,给这家商店带来了不少生意。

    Located in the famous Pike Place Market of Seattle , the Giant Shoe Museum is a single exhibit wall located on the outside of the Old Seattle Paperworks store and brings a lot of business to the shop as a result .

  12. 西雅图——在科技领域,像微软Office那样长盛不衰的摇钱树寥寥无几。

    SEATTLE - Few golden geese in technology have survived as long as Office has for Microsoft .

  13. 西雅图&在科技领域,像微软Office那样长盛不衰的摇钱树寥寥无几。

    SEATTLE & Few golden geese in technology have survived as long as Office has for Microsoft .

  14. 华盛顿的King县(西雅图)的情况可能是这个国家中最糟糕的。

    In King County ( Seattle ), Washington the situation may be the worst in the country .

  15. 另一名合著者是华盛顿大学西雅图分校(UniversityofWashingtoninSeattle)的神经科学家卡伊·米勒。

    Another coauthor was Kai Miller , a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle .

  16. 但是有一个公司,在华盛顿西雅图的BlueMarbleEnergy,利用已经生长在海岸沿线的海藻。

    But one company , Blue Marble Energy in Seattle , Washington , uses algae already growing along coastlines .

  17. 所用的载体已经由美国西雅图TargetedGenetics公司为这次试验生产。

    The vector has been manufactured for this trial by Targeted Genetics , Seattle , USA.

  18. Practice提供的这些课程将在西雅图的华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)推出,面向国际学生以及无商科背景的学生。

    The Practice M.B.A. classes , which will meet at the University of Washington in Seattle , are open to international students and those with nonbusiness backgrounds .

  19. 与此同时,总部位于西雅图的WashingtonMutual也免除了其首席执行官所兼任的董事长一职。

    The move came as the Seattle-based bank Washington Mutual stripped its chief executive of his additional role as chairman of the board .

  20. 另外一家冷榨果汁公司EvolutionFresh两年前被总部位于西雅图的星巴克咖啡(StarbucksCoffeeCo.)以3000万美元的价格收购。

    Another cold-pressed juice company , Evolution Fresh , was purchased by Seattle-based Starbucks Coffee Co. two years ago for $ 30 million .

  21. 曼联现在将到西雅图呆一周,CEO吉尔周五将与球队会合。

    United now head to Seattle for a week-long stay , with the chief executive David Gill joining them on Friday .

  22. 一个显而易见的证据是1999年西雅图WTO部长级会议关于启动新一回合谈判的失败,反映出了全球多边主义陷入了困境。

    A sharp evidence is the failure of the new round initiation by WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle , which mirrored a difficulty time for the multilateral cooperation .

  23. NPR新闻,阿什莉·格罗斯西雅图报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Ashley Gross in Seattle .

  24. 塔胡尼在密歇根州立大学(MichiganStateUniversity)获得了经济学博士学位,在西雅图定居,生了四个孩子,还成了华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(FosterSchoolofBusiness)的高级讲师。

    Tarhouni earned a doctorate in economics from Michigan State University , settled in Seattle , and had four children , becoming a senior lecturer at UW 's Foster School of Business .

  25. 这位贝尔维尤社区学院队(贝尔维尤是西雅图的一个镇)和几支ABA球队的前教练正在追寻着他的激情。

    The former coach for Bellevue Community College and several teams in the American Basketball Association , is pursuing his passion .

  26. 目前,她与丈夫Ralph及他们的四个孩子生活在西雅图。

    Currently , she lives in Seattle with her husband , Ralph , and their four children .

  27. NBA真在考虑把萨克拉门托国王队转移到西雅图,一座在五年前失去了其NBA球队的城市。

    The NBA is considering moving the Sacramento Kings to Seattle , a city that lost its NBA team five years ago .

  28. 头顶西雅图寒冬的暴风雨,沙琳.斯特朗(CharleneStrong)正在往家里赶,这时她接到同性伴侣凯特.弗莱明的电话。

    Charlene Strong was on her way home in a pounding Seattle winter storm when the call came from her partner , Kate Fleming .

  29. 话虽如此,上周三,由亚马逊首席执行官杰夫o贝佐斯在西雅图某仓库发布的智能手机AmazonFire依然是一款不容小觑的设备,它令人从全新的视角审视亚马逊和苹果这两大科技巨头的商业模式。

    That said , the smartphone unveiled by CEO Jeff Bezos in a Seattle warehouse Wednesday is a serious device that puts the business models of two tech giants in a new light .

  30. 新近加入Google技术推广部的TimBray在西雅图Android开发者群组会议上发表了他对Android生态的看法。

    Tim Bray , who recently joined Google as a Developer Advocate , presented his views on the Android Ecosystem at the Seattle Android Developers group .