
háng huà
  • jargon;lingo;cant
行话 [háng huà]
  • [jargon;cant] 各行各业的专门用语

行话[háng huà]
  1. 他们所用的大量行话是外人听不懂的。

    A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders .

  2. 他们的行话外人听不懂。

    Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider .

  3. 他谈话中使用的行话对我是一团迷雾。

    The jargon in his talk was opaque to me .

  4. 手册里满是有关自修课程的行话术语。

    The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses .

  5. 用唱片业的行话来说,就是他想买下那首歌曲的版权,然后包装推出。

    In record-business lingo , that means he wanted to buy the rights to the song and market it .

  6. 当我加上了鲜为人知的参考资料和专业术语(行话)时,她批评了我。

    She criticized me when I included little-known references and professional jargon .

  7. 他们不愿意听到评论家们那些可怕的行话。

    They will not hear critics with their horrible jargon .

  8. 话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞

    Scratch the subject of defence and acronyms , abbreviations , and buzzwords fly out .

  9. 我已经开发了若干定制的Ant插件(用Ant的行话讲叫做task),可提供构建Python时需要的特定于Python的特性。

    I 've developed some custom Ant plug-ins ( tasks in Ant lingo ) which provide Python-specific features needed to do Python builds .

  10. 这些引人注目的“安全解决方案”包括旨在窥探员工的方案(业内的行话叫“性能监控”),和一个被称为心理健康检查工具(MentalHealthCheckTool)的应用程序。

    The eye-catching " safety solutions " include programs aimed at snooping on workers known as " performance monitoring " in the industry and an application dubbed the mental health check tool .

  11. 如果您是本专栏的忠实读者,应该已经熟悉了许多UNIX行话。

    If you 're a regular reader of this column , you 've likely now mastered much of the UNIX lingo .

  12. 因此,在2007年,为什么不抛开管理时尚、伎俩花招、可憎的PowerPoint陈述报告、行话和所有其它骗人的管理垃圾呢?

    So in 2007 , why not eschew the fads , the gimmicks , the God-awful PowerPoint presentations , the jargon and all the rest of that dishonest management bullshit ?

  13. 现在我的磁盘有一个主引导记录,然后准备创建新的分区,即EVMS行话中的“段”。

    My disk now has a master boot record and I 'm ready to create new partitions , called " segments " in EVMS-speak .

  14. BarclaysGlobalInvestors驻旧金山的投资策略负责人克斯特里奇(RussKoesterich)用华尔街行话形容这种持续的疲弱期说,我们现在处于漫长的熊市。

    ' We are in a secular bear market , 'says Russ Koesterich , head of investment strategy at Barclays Global Investors in San Francisco , using Wall Street jargon for this kind of prolonged weak period .

  15. 行话我们公司的简称来到了CHQ&公司加拿大总部简称的行话,致辞200来位工作在CHQ的职员。

    CEO of BBY came to CHQ ( again , jargon for Canada Headquarters ) addressed to200 staff or so working in CHQ .

  16. 用行话说,美国首批“待捕(capture-ready)”发电站即将破土。

    America 's first " capture-ready " power plants , to use the industry parlance , are nearing construction .

  17. 不过,在当今的金融市场行话中,Chindia(China+India)代表着一块神奇的土地,人们想象中国和印度将在这里共同创造数不清的财富。

    But in the argot of today 's financial markets , Chindia is a magical land where China 's and India 's economies supposedly combine to produce untold riches .

  18. 一群来自各个国家的法学院毕业生,熟悉法语官僚行话,又乐得不受公众关注,他们会把手册写成“vademecum”,把安排写成“modalities”。

    A multinational community of law graduates , steeped in French bureaucratic jargon , and happiest away from the public gaze , will write " vade mecum " when they mean handbook , and " modalities " for arrangements .

  19. 也可能是因为,他们认为说行话能使自己听上去更重要。

    Or because they think it makes them sound more important .

  20. 可在雇人时也用行话就毫无意义了。

    To use it for hirings makes no sense at all .

  21. 这些朋友们说行话,所以没人能加入他们的谈话。

    The friends canted so no one could join their conversation .

  22. 他对我讲了质量上乘可靠之类的推销行话。

    He gave me his sales pitch about quality and reliability .

  23. 职业行话需要有关特定主题的深入知识。

    Occupational jargon requires deep knowledge of a particular topic .

  24. 一些家伙教彼特行话,还教他如何盗窃!

    Some guys taught Pete to speak jargon and how to steal !

  25. 这也是你经常听到的另外一个行话。

    It 's another piece of jargon you often hear .

  26. 上下文不应包括解决方案或任何技术行话。

    The context should not include the solution or any technical jargon .

  27. 在解雇员工时用行话说虽然不地道,但情有可原。

    To use jargon for firings is wrong but understandable .

  28. 环圈量子重力学用行话来说,是背景独立的。

    Loop quantum gravity is , in the jargon , background independent .

  29. 你日常语汇中是否有赌博行话?

    Are gambling language or references part of your vocabulary ?

  30. 学日常用语,俚语,成语和行话。

    Learn the meaning of colloquialisms , slang , idioms , and jargon .