
dì zhèn ɡuī mó
  • earthquake magnitude
  1. 美国地质调查局(GeologicalSurvey)已将此次地震规模修正为里氏7.9级,这是中国自1976年以来遭遇的最严重地震灾害。

    The quake , which measured a revised 7.9 on the Richter scale , according to the US Geological Survey , was the most deadly suffered in China since 1976 .

  2. 洁敏:有的。很令人震惊,对吧?地震规模很大。

    Jamine : Yeah , it 's shocking isn 't it ? The magnitude of the quake was enormous .

  3. 而这决定着地震的规模

    and that 's what controls the size of the earthquake .

  4. 预测地震的规模是至关重要的

    Predicting the size of an earthquake is essential .

  5. 通常在这一天,表示地震的规模和数量上的高。

    Usually on that day , the indicated earthquakes are high in magnitude and number .

  6. 他和其他一些专家说,这些成功事例远远无法与那些仍然面临四川地震这样规模的灾难的地方的数量相比。

    The successes are far outnumbered by places that still face calamity on the scale of that seen in Sichuan , he and others said .

  7. 塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉宣誓就职智利总统几分钟之后,智利即遭受自上月大地震之后规模最大的一次余震。

    Sebastian Pinera has been sworn in as president of Chile , minutes after it was hit by the largest aftershock since last month 's devastating earthquake .

  8. 一些利用现代通信的新科技最近已经投入使用,这使得信息机构能够得到重大地震矩规模的快速评估报告。

    New techniques that take advantage of modern telecommunications have recently been implemented , allowing reporting agencies to obtain rapid estimates of moment magnitude for significant earthquakes .

  9. 地震滑坡具有规模大、面积广、灾害重的特点,一直被人们所关注。

    " Earthquake-induced landslides " have characteristics of large scale , wide area and serious damage and have been paid attention to .

  10. 本文在简要说明我国地震监测台网规模及地震观测环境遭受干扰情况的基础上,对《地震监测设施和地震观测环境保护条例》的主要内容作了介绍。

    On the base of the brief explanation of the scale of the seismic monitoring network in China and the interference cases of the seismic observation environment , this paper introduces the main contents of The protection Regulations of Seismic Monitoring installation and Seismic Observation Environment .

  11. 然后,在最终天不似乎是一个摆动(每LISS)和地震在数量和规模大幅减少。

    Then , for days on end there does not seem to be a wobble ( as per LISS ) and earthquakes sharply decrease in number and magnitude .

  12. 而当地震发生后,地震规模、程度、空间分布、次生灾害,以及灾情发展趋势等灾情信息的快速获取是整个地震应急响应的核心,同时也是救援决策的关键。

    While the earthquake occurs , the earthquake scale , level , spatial distribution , secondary disasters and disaster trend , which became the core of the earthquake emergency response and the key technology of decision support system in rescue work .

  13. 与2004年苏门答腊岛发生的里氏9.1级地震相比,此次智利地震的规模相对较小,据估计其破坏性也相去甚远。

    The Chile quake was smaller than the Sumatra quake of2004 , a magnitude-9.1 and was not expected to be anything nearly as destructive .

  14. 这次地震是1989年洛马普列塔地震以来规模最大的一次。1989年那次地震曾导致62人丧生,并破坏了旧金山的一条主要高速公路。

    The quake was the largest since Loma Prieta in 1989 , which killed 62 people and damaged a major freeway in San Francisco .

  15. 中小地震的活动在某些方位上呈现优势分布。该地区中小地震的应力降在002到32MPa之间,未显示与地震的规模(地震矩)有明显的依赖关系。

    The activities of mid-small earthquakes appeared dominant distribution in some directions . It connects with the local magnitude and does not clearly relate with stress drops of mid-small earthquakes that the range is from 0.02 MPa to 3.2 MPa in this area .