
  • 网络Behavioural Changes;behavioral change;Behavior Change;behavior modification
  1. 行为改变是一种可能的选择,他说。

    Behavior modification could be an alternative , he says .

  2. Mason认为,为了使用这些SOA治理工具,SOA治理需要用来避免人们的“重大的行为改变”。

    According to Mason , pragmatic SOA Governance is needed to avoid " significant behavioral change " required from the people in order to use these SOA Governance tools .

  3. 监测动物的行为改变,应用PET评估大脑中多巴胺神经元的不同标记物。

    The animals were monitored for behavioral changes and Positron Emission Tomography ( PET ) was used to assess various markers of dopamine neurons in the brain .

  4. 人参煎剂灌胃两周后,A1~A3组小鼠出现易激惹、轻微亢奋的行为改变。

    Ginseng decoction irrigation stomach after two weeks , A1 ~ B3group autism , mild in mice hyperactive behavior change .

  5. 结论:MA对大鼠中枢神经系统多脑区神经元有明显的毒性作用,可导致上述脑区DA含量下降和大鼠行为改变。

    Conclusion : MA has obvious neurotoxicity on multiple regions of the rat brain , and can cause neuron injuries , DA depletion and behavioral changes .

  6. 结果B、C2组均有4只大鼠出现迟发性脑病行为改变,A、D2组则无改变。

    Results There were 4 rats with delayed encephalopathy changes in groups B and C respectively , while no similar behavioral change appeared in groups A and D.

  7. 安全套使用、性行为改变、患性病和先确诊感染者为男性是配偶间HIV性传播的影响因素。

    Factors influencing sexual transmission in spouses included condom use , times of sexual behaviors , STD of the first one infected HIV in spouse and he first one infected HIV is men .

  8. ACT(接受与承诺治疗的缩写)是心智技巧和行为改变策略的结合,能帮助你专注于重要的事情,改变你的行为以支持这些价值。

    ACT ( short for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ) involves a combination of mindfulness techniques and behavior change strategies that help you focus on what 's important to you , and alter your behavior to support those values .

  9. 这很有用,但是,我们还需要一些方法让我们的脚本进入游戏世界并检查那些可能引起AI行为改变的条件。

    For this to be useful , however , we need some way for our script to see into the game world and check for conditions that might alter our AI behavior .

  10. ALS越来越广泛地被认为是一种多系统损伤疾病,超过50%的患者有额颞叶功能损伤表现,如认知障碍和行为改变。

    ALS is increasingly recognized to be a multisystem disorder with impairment of frontotemporal functions such as cognition and behavior in up to50 % of patients .

  11. 方法:采用线栓法制备局灶性脑缺血大鼠模型,并结合孤养、束缚应激制成PSD大鼠模型,观察大鼠糖水消耗试验,自发性行为改变,下丘脑单胺类神经递质的变化。

    Methods : A PSD rat model was set up on the base of focal cerebral ischemia by means of middle cerebral artery occlusion , followed by isolated feed and restraint stress .

  12. 在右旋糖酐-磁性LDH-氟尿嘧啶转运模型下5-Fu的药代动力学行为改变,表现了良好的体内缓释作用效果。

    The data reported here suggest that Dextran-Magnetic LDH-Fluorouracil transfer model can change pharmacokinetic action of 5-Fu after injection into animals , and will show good intravital sustained-release effect in vivo .

  13. 结果7例颅脑外伤患者均有明显的迟发性精神行为改变,发生时间为伤后4~52h,CT复查均发现了迟发的硬膜外血肿。

    Results All of the 7 patients had obvious physical and neurologic and behavior changes which happened 4 - 52 hours after the trauma , and had delayed epidural hematoma in repeat CT scan .

  14. 探讨了驱使医师接受CME的动力、学习和行为改变的关系,以及它们对CME提供者、医院管理者和其他政策制定者的意义。最后提出了促进CME发展的模式。

    It is discussed what drives physicians to accept CME , what is the relationship between learning and behaviour change , and what is the meaning of these theories to CME providers , hospital managers and other policy makers .

  15. 结论一次性双侧nbM部位AβP25-35注射可导致实验大鼠一过性空间学习记忆能力的损害,提示AβP短暂暴露不能造成永久性的学习行为改变。

    Conclusion A β P25-35 has transient impacts on the spatial memory and learning behavior in rats . But it does not cause a permanent damage . Short-term exposure to A β P will not result in permanent changes of space-learning behavior .

  16. 方法实验兔皮下分别注射50%、75%、99.5%乙醇或7.5%、15%酚甘油各2ml。观察实验兔笼养期间皮肤外观和行为改变以及注药后1周、1月、3月皮肤病理改变。

    Methods : After subcutaneous injection of 2ml alcohol in 50 % , 75 % , 99.5 % or phenol glycerin in 7.5 % , 15 % , the pathological changes of local derma and changes of behaviors were observed after 1 week , 1 month and 3 months .

  17. 一位淋巴癌患儿父母亲对其教养态度和行为改变之探讨

    Parents ' rearing attitude and behavior to a child with lymphoma

  18. 我不理解他行为改变的用意所在。

    I don 't understand the meaning of his changed behaviour .

  19. 大鼠行为改变明显。

    The behavior of rats obviously changed after MA injection .

  20. 这一个简单的行为改变了我看待我前妻的方式。

    The simple action changed the way I looked at my ex-wife .

  21. 然而,这个行为改变与暴光无关。

    However , this change in behavior was independent of light exposure .

  22. 糖尿病患者行为改变对疾病控制状况的影响

    Behavioral Changes in Diabetic Patients on the Impact of Disease Control Situation

  23. 你送他去的那个,行为改变营。

    That place you sent him to , that behavioral modification camp .

  24. 三筒互通脑功能仪可用于动物行为改变的研究。

    The tri-cylinder intercommunicate could be used for studying of animal behavior .

  25. 寄生物和病原菌诱导的昆虫行为改变

    Behavioral modifications in insects induced by parasites and pathogens

  26. 促使农村家庭主妇卫生行为改变策略探讨

    Discussion on strategy for behavior changes among rural housewives

  27. 小鼠衰老相关的行为改变及其神经机制

    Aging-Related Behavioral Change in Mice and Its Neural Mechanisms

  28. 我们此次期望推动的行为改变是什么?

    What 's the behavior change we 're looking to drive this time ?

  29. 运用护理程序促进社区高血压患者行为改变的实践

    Practice of modifying the behaviors of hypertension patients by nursing procedure in community

  30. 血管性痴呆大鼠的记忆行为改变与突触结构参数的关系

    Relationship of memory behaviors and changes of synapse structure in vascular dementia rats