
  • Chief executive responsibility system;the Administrative Chiefs Responsibility System
  1. 但行政首长负责制的缺点也是明显的。

    But this plan also has obvious drawbacks .

  2. 行政首长负责制的更新与发展

    Renewal & Development of Chief Executive Responsibility System

  3. 为了今后水调工作的顺利开展,建议:黄河水量调度实行行政首长负责制和断面流量控制责任制;

    In order to successfully regulate the water , it suggests that water regulation of the Yellow River should be carried out by responsible system of chief executives and cross section discharge controlled by system of job responsibility .

  4. 对我省河道管理现状及存在的问题作了认真分析,提出了一些可取性建议,即加强管理,实行行政首长负责制,建立流域管理体系,建设服务执法队伍等。

    This paper conscientiously analyzes the present situation and existing problems of river channel management in Shanxi Province , puts forward some desirable suggestions , such as strengthening management , carrying out responsibility system of administrative leader , establishing catchment management system , and constructing service and law enforcement ranks .