
  1. 作为执行QRM评估的结果,该网站现在能够更好地优先的资源利用率,注重风险最高的分数,这些领域的审计力度。

    As a result of the executed QRM evaluation , the site is now able to better prioritize resource utilization to focus auditing efforts on those areas with the highest risk scores .

  2. 加大内部审计力度是维护国家和企业自身权益的重要手段

    Strengthening Interal Audit is a Important Method to protect the Interest for the State and Enterprises

  3. 近年来随着审计力度的加大,报告出很多企业在内部控制方面存在很多问题,我国对内部控制的建立加大了力度。

    In recent years , with the audit intensified efforts , the report out a lot of enterprises in the internal control exist a lot of problems , our country to the internal control to establish increased strength .

  4. 为解决会计信息失真问题,努力完善会计准则和提高会计人员素质是根本,同时加强审计力度,严把审计质量关,亦是不可或缺的一个手段。

    The basic way to get rid of the distortion of accounting information is to consummate accounting standard and to improve the quality of accountants . Meanwhile , strengthening the audit and checking on the audit quality are also indispensable measures .

  5. 在市场经济条件下,经营和投资风险无处不在,为确保企业的生存和发展,不仅要时投产项目做出科学的经济评价,同时又要加大对投资项目财务评价的审计力度。

    Under market economy , there are the risks of management and investment everywhere . To ensure the existence and development of enterprises , economic evaluation made on investment projects should be scientific , moreover , audit made on the financial evaluation should be strengthened .

  6. 加强审计监控力度努力降低采购成本公司治理结构·会计信息系统·独立审计:结构与效率分析

    Strengthen Auditing and Supervisory System Making an Effort to Reduce the Purchasing Cost An Analysis on Structure and Accounting Governance

  7. 美国公司的一系列会计造假是由于其经济萧条、市场疲软,股票期权被扭曲,董事会的独立性缺失,审计监管力度弱化所致。

    A series of accounting scandals in American companies are due to economic depression , bearish market , and the board of director 's lack of independence etc.

  8. 但由于受多方面因素的影响,审计执法力度在一定程度上受到了制约,同时也影响了审计职能的发挥和审计事业的发展。

    On the other hand , the audit law enforcement power is restricted in a certain degree because of the various factors . It restricts the exertion of the audit function and the development of the audit enterprise .

  9. 最后,总结出正是由于上市公司在内部管理机制和外部审计监控力度不够的缺陷下,才导致利用会计变更这一手段达到调节利润的目的。

    Finally , it is as listed companies are summarized in the internal management mechanisms and inadequate monitoring of external audit deficiencies , the use of accounting change was a result of the means to adjust the profits .

  10. 同时,海关财政预算硬缺口问题长期存在,外部审计监督力度持续加大,对海关预算执行提出了更加严格的要求,海关管理中资金绩效考核机制缺失,在建设节约型海关方面任重而道远。

    Meanwhile , customs budget hard gap long-term existence external audit supervision to the customs , continue to widen proposed budget implementation , more stringent requirements of money , the customs management performance assessment mechanism is missing , in the development of intensive customs aspect lags .

  11. 监察、审计监督工作力度加大。

    Oversight in the form of supervision and auditing was strengthened .

  12. 审计监督的力度越来越大,成效越来越明显。

    Auditing oversight was intensified and became more effective .

  13. 通过四权分离和加大审计队伍建设力度增强审计自身素质。

    Separate four powers and build their own quality of audit staff members .

  14. 开展该项业务的单位不断增加,审计深度和力度不断提升,审计手段和方法不断得到丰富,取得成果非常显著。

    Companies that to carry out the business have increased , the depth and intensity of audit continuous has improved , audit tools and methods continue to be much , very significant results .

  15. 加大对审计违规的处罚力度,改变现行的事务所聘用机制,可提高会计师事务所审计的独立性。

    To increase the penalties for non-compliance of audit efforts , change the existing firm hiring practices can improve the independence of accounting firms audit .

  16. 为了实现塔里木石油勘探开发指挥部发展战略,六大保证机制之一就是加强对指挥部生产经营活动审计监督.加大审计力度,实行全方位、全过程的审计监督。

    In order to realize the development strategy of Tarim Oil Exploratory Development Headquarters , one effective measure is to strengthen audit supervision of production and operating activities , to increase the force of audit , to exercise the audit supervision of omnibearing and overall process .

  17. 选取司法机关每年处理的职务犯罪人数作为因变量,选取政府审计的审计范围,执行力度,和信息传递水平作为自变量。

    I select the number of crimes committed which the judiciary processed each year as dependent variable , and the scope of government audit , enforcement level , and information transmission level as independent variables .

  18. 本文通过对影响审计执法制约因素的分析,提出了加强审计执法力度的建议。

    This article proposes several suggestions about the audit law enforcement power according to analysis of the restriction factors which affect it .

  19. 加强审计队伍建设,优化队伍建设、加大审计人员培训力度、提高审计人员的技能。

    Fifth , Construction to strengthen the audit team . Optimize the construction , increase the audit staff training , improve the skills of audit staff .

  20. 目前我国政府审计职责履行过程中还存在以下问题:政府审计资源不足、政府审计监督惩罚的力度不够强、审计技术落后、绩效审计发展缓慢等。

    There are still some problems existing in the government audit performing , such as : The inadequacy of government audit resources , the supervision and punishment strength is not good enough , the lagged audit technology , the performance audit develops slowly . 5 .