
  1. 目的建立HPLC法测定行瘀丸中丹皮酚含量。

    Objective To establish a method for determination of paeonol in Xingyu pills by HPLC .

  2. 行瘀通络法对CP一个疗程(一个月)的近期临床疗效确切,总有效率951%,临床治愈率达553%。

    The method of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis shows assured curative effects in the near future in treating CP in one period of the treatment . The effective rate is 95 1 % and the curative rate is 55 3 % .

  3. 当血行瘀滞时,气亦会因之而运行迟缓,形成气滞之候。

    If the blood circulation tends to blood stasis , qi will move slowly , which becomes the syndrome of qi stagnation .

  4. 强调养阴护脉、行血散瘀是虚实并治的积极疗法。

    Emphasis should be laid on nourishing yin , protecting vessels , promoting blood circulation and dispersing stasis .

  5. 若女性血行阻滞、瘀塞不通,则可产生以疼痛、肿块、出血等为主症的多种妇科疾病。

    If the feminine blood line hinders , the stasis to fill does not pass , then may produce by the ache , the tumour , the hemorrhage and so on primarily sickness many kinds of gynecology department vigorous sickness .

  6. 甲状腺癌宜用益气养阴、软坚活血佐以解毒法。治则治法当益气养阴扶其正,活血行血化其瘀。并对有关用药原则进行了论述。

    For thyroid cancer , it should be treated by enriching qi and yin , softening mass and activating blood flow as well as relieving toxin .