
  1. 听证制度是行政程序法律制度的核心。

    Hearing is the core of the administrative procedure law system .

  2. 行政程序法律的成本与效益分析

    Cost - Benefit Analysis Making of Administrative Procedure Law

  3. 行政程序法律规范主要是指行政程序法典以及规定行政程序的其他行政法律法规,如我国《行政处罚法》、《行政复议法》和《行政诉讼法》中关于行政程序的相关规定。

    Administrative procedures regulating mainly refers to the Code of Administrative Procedure Law and other administrative laws and regulations .

  4. 治安管理处罚告知制度作为行政程序法律规范,它所体现的是我国公民的基本人身权利以及人格权利的一些最基本的准则。

    Inform on administrative penalties for public security system , as an administrative procedure law , it embodies the basic human rights of our citizens and the personality rights of some of the most basic principles .

  5. 论违反行政程序的法律责任

    Violation of Administrative Procedure and Its Legal Liability

  6. 行政程序的法律价值既体现在工具价值层面,又体现在目标价值层面;

    The legal value of administrative course is reflected both value of tool and value of goal .

  7. 第二部分考察了国外主要国家行政程序违法法律责任的有关规定。

    The second part inspected the main overseas national related stipulation of the legal liability of the illegal administrative procedure .

  8. 本文第一部分是关于行政程序违法法律责任的基本理论。

    The first part of this article is about the elementary theory of the legal liability of the illegal administrative procedure .

  9. 对于违反行政程序的法律责任问题,理论界一直众说纷纭,在实务操作上更是莫衷一是。

    Scholars have been arguing about the legal responsibilities of violating administrative procedures , and there have been different views towards practice .

  10. 因此,有必要研究和借鉴国外的行政程序违法法律责任机制。

    Therefore , it is necessary to research and draw lessons from overseas for its legal liability mechanism of the illegal administrative procedure .

  11. 国外行政程序违法法律责任机制的设立,表现出极大的灵活性,具体体现在两个方面:1.法律后果的多样性;

    The overseas legal liability mechanism of the illegal administrative procedure establishment , displays the enormous flexibility , manifests specifically in two aspects : 1.Legal consequencemultiplicity ;

  12. 又次,完善对行政程序的法律监督体制,加强对行政执法程序的监督立法,健全行政执法程序监督体制,充分发挥舆论对程序违法的监督作用,真正做到有法必依、执法必严、违法必究;

    Fourthly , the legal supervision system for administrative procedure should be perfected , and the supervision function of public opinion be made full use of .

  13. 由于重实体轻程序的思想,我国行政补偿程序法律制度极不完善,存在不少问题;

    Because the heavy entity light procedure thought , our country administration compensates the procedure law system not to be extremely imperfect , existence many questions ;

  14. 因此,追究行政程序违法法律责任的前提条件是行政机关的行政行为违反法定程序,即行政程序违法。

    Therefore , the prerequisite to investigate the legal liability of the illegal administrative procedure is administrative organ 's administrative action violates the legal procedure , namely illegal administrative procedure .

  15. 传统传统行政程序作为法律文化的一部分,我国传统行政程序法的构建即面临认识传统,吸收先进传统行政程序的重构使命。

    The traditional administrative procedure is an important part of legal culture . The construct of our Chinese administrative procedure law is facing the problems of knowing tradition and absorbing the strongpoint of the developed administrative procedure .

  16. 行政程序违法及其法律后果&一个比较的分析

    Illegal administrative procedure and its legal consequence & A comparative analysis

  17. 行政处罚告知程序法律效力探析

    Analysis of the Legal Validity of the Notifying Procedure of Administrative Penalty

  18. 行政程序违法的法律后果及其责任

    Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure and the Responsibility

  19. 正当行政程序是正当法律程序在行政程序中的体现。

    Due process of law in the administrative procedure embodies administrative due process .

  20. 行政程序的基本法律价值

    The basic value of law of administrative course

  21. 第四部分论述我国行政主体程序违法法律救济体系的构建。

    The fourth part discusses the construction of legal relief system in China for administrative subject breaching the procedure law .

  22. 例如,比较研究方法主要是通过比较日本、韩国、台湾地区对行政指导程序的法律规定,探求出适合大陆地区实际情况的法律制度;

    For example , this paper devotes to find out Chinese legal system for administrative guidance with the comparation of legal systems in Japan , Korea and Taiwan area .

  23. 因此,论文最后对完善我国的行政主体程序违法法律救济体系提出了几点建议。

    As a result , the writer of this thesis proposes some suggestions for the further improvement of legal relief system for the administrative subject breaching the procedure law .

  24. 姜洋表示,证监会下一步将加强预先监管,简化行政程序,依靠法律来规范资本市场。

    In the next step , Jiang Yang said CSRC will enhance preemptive oversight , streamline its administrative procedures , and rely on laws to regulate the capital market .

  25. 在多阶段行政程序中存在法律效果的延续状况,因而不真正溯及既往在针对多阶段行政程序现象中有其适用的空间。

    It exist the continuous of legal effects on multi-leveled administrative procedure , so the theory of " non-real retrospective application " can apply on the phenomenon of the multi-leveled procedure .

  26. 论文第三部分介绍国外行政主体程序违法法律救济方面的先进经验和不足。选取英美法系和大陆法系的典型国家说明。

    The second part introduced to the abroad advanced experience and deficiency on administrative remedy for breaching the procedure law by taking examples from the typical countries of Anglo-American law system and Continental Legal System .

  27. 违反行政程序表现形态及法律后果之比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Displaying Form and Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure

  28. 论行政处罚告知程序的法律适用

    Legal Application of Notification Procedure of Administration Penalty

  29. 它既是一种法律程序,又是一种行政程序,既具有法律程序的一般要素时间、空间、主体和结果,又符合行政程序的重要特点具有控权功能。

    Tax enforcement procedure is not only a legal procedure , but also an administrative procedure . It contains the general elements of tax procedure time , space , body , and result , and the important features of administrative procedure controlling function .

  30. 行政程序违法责任是行政程序法律制度的重要内容。

    Liabilities of violating administrative procedure are important content of administrative procedure legal system .