
dàn ɡēnɡ
  • egg custard
蛋羹 [dàn gēng]
  • [steamed egg custard] 鲜蛋去壳打成糊状,加入适当的水和佐料,蒸成的食物

  1. 那是加鸡肉、小虾、杏仁蒸的蛋羹。

    It 's an egg custard with chicken , shrimp and gingko nuts .

  2. 当然可以,先生。我建议点「鸡蛋羹」那是加鸡肉、虾、仁蒸的蛋羹。噢,天哪!有巧克力、蛋羹和鸡蛋。

    W : Certainly , sir . I would recommend the Chawanmushi . It 's an egg custard with chicken , shrimp and gingko nuts . Chocolate and custard and eggs , oh my !

  3. 噢,天哪!有巧克力、蛋羹和鸡蛋。

    Chocolate and custard and eggs , oh my !

  4. 夹很多不甜的蛋羹的果馅饼;常夹一些其它成分(如奶酪、火腿、海鲜、蔬菜等)。

    A tart filled with rich unsweetened custard ; often contains other ingredients ( as cheese or ham or seafood or vegetables ) .

  5. 他切下开胃菜芦笋的尖,蘸上与之搭配的调味汁,他宣称这种调味汁的味道介于蛋黄酱和奶油蛋羹之间。

    He cuts off the tips of his asparagus starter and dips them in the accompanying sauce , which he declares to be halfway between Bearnaise and custard .