
  • Cake Shop;bakery;patisserie
  1. 外公从蛋糕店买来蛋糕了!

    Grandpa from the cake shop to buy a cake !

  2. 后来阿姨在蛋糕店找到了他。

    My aunt found him in a cake shop .

  3. 之后我们切SweetLadyJane蛋糕店的结婚蛋糕蛋糕非常非常好看

    and then we had a cake from the Sweet Lady Jane that is beautiful beautiful cake ,

  4. 你会路过餐馆,起着诸如食肉动物(LeCarnivore)这样的名字,你会路过夜总会,最棒的是会路过法式蛋糕店。

    You pass restaurants with names such as Le Carnivore , nightclubs and , best of all , patisseries .

  5. 老太太如今住在马里兰,过去曾为杰米恩付过汽车旅馆的住宿费和法式蛋糕店MichelRichard的咖啡账单。

    Mrs. Berliner , who now lives in Maryland , used to pay for Mr. Jermyn to sleep in a motel and covered his monthly coffee bill at Michel Richard , the well-known patisserie . '

  6. 弗罗里达的LarryBach开了家蛋糕店,他不仅为顾客定制结婚蛋糕,还可以制作离婚蛋糕。

    At least that 's according to Larry Bach , the owner of Sprinkles Custom Cakes in Winter Park , Florida . Though his bakery does far more wedding cakes , Mr. Bach admits that he has created a few cakes for women going through a divorce .

  7. 其实我们在威廉斯堡有自己的小蛋糕店

    We actually have our own cupcake business over in Williamsburg ,

  8. 我有个小蛋糕店它们超美味

    I have a cupcake business . They 're really good .

  9. 我和麦克斯还得去小蛋糕店,

    Max and I still have to go to the cupcake shop

  10. 不如就被困在蛋糕店吧

    might as well be in a place full of cupcakes .

  11. 不过我只会在蛋糕店向你解释。

    But I 'll explain it all in the patisserie .

  12. 但是蛋糕店已经不顺好几周啦。

    But the shop 's been in trouble for weeks .

  13. 苏菲,明晚是小蛋糕店的开幕派对。

    Sophie , the party 's for our cupcake business .

  14. 我厌倦了逼着我们开蛋糕店!

    I 'm tired of pushing us into cupcake shops !

  15. 我们都没赚够明天蛋糕店的材料钱。

    We don 't even have enough to buy supplies for tomorrow .

  16. 现在我知道为什么我们小蛋糕店倒闭了。

    I guess that 's why our cupcake shop didn 't work .

  17. 某天能助我们飞出这里的蛋糕店

    that will one day get us out of here .

  18. 这家蛋糕店是我们家族传承下来的

    and this bakery has been in our family for years

  19. 对,我们是一家上档次的蛋糕店…

    Yes , we 're an upscale bakery , and ...

  20. 你应该拥有小蛋糕店我应该拥有新床

    You deserve a cupcake shop and I deserve a new bed .

  21. 或者这才是我们蛋糕店倒闭的原因。

    And maybe that 's why our business failed .

  22. 我也厌倦了你逼着我们开蛋糕店。

    And I 'm tired of you pushing us into cupcake shops too .

  23. 抱歉我说可以让苏菲成为蛋糕店的合伙人。

    I 'm sorry I said Sophie could be part of the store .

  24. 我要在6点到蛋糕店见他。

    I 'm meeting him at6:00 in the patisserie .

  25. 趁还记得,我去加印了小蛋糕店的名片

    Before I forget , I printed up more of our cupcake business cards

  26. 蛋糕店是12号开业的,所以…怎么了?

    The shop opened on the 12th , so it 's. .. What ?

  27. 我们小蛋糕店需要哪些东西来着?

    Let 's see , what do we need for our cupcake shop ?

  28. 我们就可以在一年后开蛋糕店了

    we could open a cupcake business in a little over a year .

  29. 她为什么会打给你肯定是蛋糕店的事

    Why would she call you ? It 's about the cupcake business ...

  30. 西蒙娜,我们刚在本区开了家小蛋糕店

    Well , Semhar , we just opened a local neighborhood cupcake company .