
dàn tà
  • egg tart
  1. 她用特殊的方法做蛋挞。

    She has a special recipe for egg tart .

  2. 通过SWOT分析,得出虽然产品比较简单,但只有我们更快的扩大生产量,开发多品种的蛋挞样式,最终降低成本,企业的获利能力也会得到进一步的提升,从而为企业进一步提升了市场竞争力。

    Through the SWOT analysis , the conclusion is that though the product is relatively simple , we can increase the profitability based on expanding the production capacity more quickly , developing more species of egg tart style , and ultimately reducing the costs .

  3. “TartinYmberDay”就是一种加了葡萄干的蛋挞;“compast”则是用甜醋煮熟的根茎蔬菜,而“frumenty”所指的就是用加了藏红花的鸡汤熬制出来的麦片粥。

    Tart in Ymber Day is a type of egg custard tart sweetened with raisins , compast is cooked rootvegetables boiled in a sweetened vinaigrette and frumenty is bulghar wheat and chicken stockcoloured and flavoured with saffron and served as a porridge type dish .

  4. 作为对德杰尼勒斯(EllenDegeneres)在奥斯卡(Oscars)颁奖典礼上分发披萨的认可,本次电影大奖的五位主持人也向一些获提名的演员派送了蛋挞等澳门美食。

    In a nod to the Ellen Degeneres 's pizza gag at the Oscars , the show 's five hosts served a number of the nominees local Macau treats , including egg tarts .

  5. 所以为了给英国食品正名,我在这里列个表,没有先后排名,这些食品绝对值得你尝一尝,哪怕是你偶遇到这些英式菜肴。1.BakewellTart贝克韦蛋挞

    So in defense of Britain 's food , here is a list , in no particular order , of some British dishes which are definitely worth a try if you ever come across them .

  6. 甚至连蛋挞这一名字也有着古老的渊源&蛋挞来源于酥皮(crust)的法语词crouste和盎格鲁诺尔曼语词crustarde,crustarde意思是带酥皮的蔬菜、水果或肉馅饼。

    Even the name has an ancient pedigree - it is derived from both the old French word for crust ( crouste ), and the Anglo-Norman ' crustarde ', which meant a tart or pie with a crust .

  7. 这些面向甜食爱好者的邻家店铺出售令人眼花缭乱的各种蛋糕(或称bolo)——它们柔润绵密,在你口中融化,还有一系列蛋挞、奶酪蛋糕、饼干、布朗尼、点缀水果的大蛋糕、果馅饼、奶油冻,以及浓浓的小杯咖啡cafezinho。

    These neighborhood temples to the sweet tooth offer a dizzying variety of cakes , or bolo -- moist and dense that melt in your mouth -- plus an array of tarts , cheesecakes , cookies , brownies , fruit-topped tortes , flans , mousses and the potent mini-coffees known as cafezinhos .

  8. 葡式蛋挞是澳门最有名的食物。

    The Portuguese egg tart is Macau 's most famous food .

  9. 你帮我想办法,我准备吃蛋挞。

    You work on that . I 'm gonna eat this cupcake .

  10. 如果它还这么松软,那它就不是蛋挞。

    If it 's still runny , it 's not a cupcake .

  11. 你看看,我明明去买蛋挞。

    Take a look . I just wanna buy an egg tart .

  12. 我想要一块千层糕,两块蛋挞。

    I 'd like to have a Multi-Layer Cake and two Custard ' .

  13. 就像所有最好的食物一样,奶油蛋挞的制作很简单。

    Like all the best foods , the custard tart is simplicity itself .

  14. 好的,我要西瓜,另外,再给我一些蛋挞。

    I 'll have water-melon , and bring me some egg tarts , please .

  15. 亨利四世可不是唯一钟情于蛋挞的英国君王。

    Henry IV is not the only English monarch with a liking for them .

  16. 我明明不是买蛋挞又不是买柜。

    Neither did I plan to buy an egg tart , nor a cabinet .

  17. 不管这个传说是真是假,这种蛋挞已早在第十九世纪流行。

    Whatever the truth the tart has been popular since at least the early19th century .

  18. 以蛋挞款待尊贵的客人时,还可以在顶部放上新鲜的草莓或覆盆子。

    To make them a special treat they can be topped with fresh strawberries or raspberries .

  19. 在国际上有许多种蛋挞,但没有哪一种可以与奶油蛋挞相比。

    The custard tart does have international variants but none to compare with the Egg Custard Tart .

  20. 饱和脂肪含量高的零食有曲奇、威化饼干、蛋糕、蛋挞等;

    Examples of high saturated fat snacks include cookies , wafer biscuits , cakes , egg tart etc.

  21. 贝克韦尔蛋挞是一种油酥松饼果酱夹心糕点,它有着杏仁奶油的香味,像海绵一样酥脆。

    The Bakewell tart is a shortcrust pastry filled with jam and almond sponge ( frangipane ) .

  22. 在亨利八世时期的宫廷里,蛋挞同样广受青睐。

    Called doucets in the Middle Ages , they were equally popular at the court of Henry VIII .

  23. 肯定是很早就有奶油蛋挞,然后在世界各地广为流传。

    Custard tarts must be an ancient invention , given the wide spread of variations across the world .

  24. 膨涨的糕点或酥皮饼。这是千层糕,这是皮蛋酥,这是蛋挞。

    These are the Multi-Layer Cakes . These are the Preserved Egg Cakes And these are the Custard Tarts .

  25. 比如说那风靡香港的“葡式蛋挞”以及“猪扒肉”,吸引了不少游客慕名而至。

    Two of the Macanese snacks , Portuguese egg tarts and the'Pork Chop Buns'are currently favored by Hong Kong people .

  26. 放进烤箱中加热奶油蛋挞,但在室温下食用,味道棒极了。

    The custard tart can be eaten hot from the oven , but eaten at room temperature improves it immensely .

  27. 肉豆蔻是一种致幻剂,通常被用来给蛋挞和水果蛋糕这类点心做调味品。

    Nutmeg is a hallucinigenic drug which is regularly used to flavor such lovely things as custard tarts and fruit cakes .

  28. 在另外一位皇室成员&女王伊丽莎白二世80岁的寿宴上,蛋挞也被作为甜点款待宾客。

    Another Royal , Queen Elizabeth the II was also served custard tart as the dessert for her recent80th birthday celebration .

  29. 这些是用小圆蛋挞和不同的水果馅,梨,苹果,石榴等等包着。

    These are small round tarts baked with different fruit fillings - date , pear , apple and pomegranate among others .

  30. 早在中世纪时,蛋挞就已经风靡一时。有记载称,1399年,英国国王亨利四世在加冕礼宴会上就享用了蛋挞这种美食。

    Custard tarts were popular during Medieval times and records show that King Henry IV enjoyed them at his coronation banquet in 1399 .