
pá jī
  • braised chicken
  1. 本文研究了天然食品防腐剂乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)在扒鸡中的防腐应用。

    Nisin-a natural food preservative applied in braised chicken was studied in this article .

  2. 结果表明,Nisin既改进了肉制品扒鸡的食用品质,又达到产品规定的保质期。

    As a result , after adding Nisin , the quality of the braised chicken improved and the shelf-life reached the required .

  3. 辐照扒鸡保鲜细菌消长的实验研究

    Study of growth and decline of bacteria in roast chicken irradiated

  4. 路过德州时,我们品尝到了正宗的德州扒鸡。

    We tasted some authentic Dezhou braised chicken when we passed through Dezhou .

  5. 扒鸡加工工艺的研究

    Research on the processing techniques of braised chicken

  6. 康熙皇帝曾经赞誉德州扒鸡为中华第一鸡。

    Emperor Kang Xi had praised it for " the Chinese first chicken " .

  7. 咱们德州扒鸡,老德祥马家的是数一数二的正宗。

    Of all Dezaou roasted chickens , only that Family Ma made in old Dexiang store is authentically original .

  8. 第一部分以非物质文化遗产为切入点,从饮食文化的角度对德州扒鸡文化进行分析,包括德州扒鸡产生的生态环境、扒鸡文化的内涵及德州扒鸡的价值。

    First , analysis the cultural of De Zhou chicken through the angle of food cultural , include the environment it produced , the meaning of braised chicken , and the value of it .