
  • 网络business transfer;transfer of business
  1. 知情权是营业转让中职工享有其他权益的基础。

    The information right is the basis of other rights which workers will have in business transfer .

  2. 文章对现行营业转让债权人利益保护的相关立法进行了梳理,并对构建我国营业债权人利益的保护提出了合理化建议。

    The article heckles the relative legislation on the protection of creditors'rights in the business transfer , and put forward the proper suggestions .

  3. 营业转让制度是商事领域的一项重要制度。

    The legal System of enterprise transfer is one of the most important systems in commercial law .

  4. 营业转让中职工权益的保护,不仅对职工,而且对企业和社会都有重要的意义。

    The workers ' rights protection in business transfer is not only for workers , but also have an important significance for corporate and social .

  5. 营业转让是为了一定的营业目的,通过签订合同将客观意义上的营业作为一个有机的组织体进行转让的活动。

    Business transfer is an activity for certain business purposes . The objective sense of business is transferred as an organic organization by signing the contract .

  6. 营业转让合同的登记与公示制度是法律对营业转让进行特别调整的体现,其目的在于通过这一制度设计,加强对转让双方当事人特别是转让人的债权人的利益保护。

    The registration and publication rule of the enterprise transfer contract is designed as a particular means to enhance the protection of interests of the related parties , especially the creditor of transferor .

  7. 参与权可以在一定程度上对企业营业转让的决策产生一定的影响,同时对营业转让决策的实施发挥监督作用。

    The participation right has some impact on the decision of business transfer . At the same time , it plays a supervisory role in the implementation of the decisions of business transfer .

  8. 营业转让与货物买卖和财产买卖都不一样,世界许多国家和地区都相继出台法律对营业转让进行规制。

    Business transfer and sale of goods and property trading is not the same , in many countries and regions in the world were introduced to the legal regulation of the business transfer .

  9. 本文研究认为,营业转让制度是商事法律制度体系中的一项重要制度,体现了交易自由、交易效率以及企业营运价值维持的基本原则。

    As an important system of commercial law , the system of enterprise transfer embodies basic principles such as freedom and efficiency of transfer and maintenance of going concern value of the enterprise .

  10. 这几个制度具有一个共同的特征,即在侧重对营业转让相关利益主体的利益保护的同时,又兼顾了对社会交易秩序和整体利益的维护。

    The three rules above are designed to protect the benefits of related parties in the transfer of enterprise , and also , they maintain the trade order and protect a whole benefit of the society .

  11. 即使是相同公司法中的制度也与营业转让或现物出资不同,也是与作为代表性公司组织改造手段的合并不同。

    It is distinct from transfer of operating asset or investment of asset , as well as amalgamation that as a ploy of representative of corporation restructuring , even if they are in the same corporation law .

  12. 与此不同的是,营业转让中的债权债务承继制度对债权人的保护,则是通过让继续使用原商号的受让人也对原营业的债务承担责任的方式来实现的。

    Differently , the protection to creditor supplied by the inheritance system of the credit and debts is carried out through the way that the transferee who used the original trade name bears the debts of the transferred enterprise .

  13. 在这场改革中,经常使用这种通过将企业的财产通过变卖等有偿转让的方式进行交易,从而企业的所有权随之发生变化,在不同的市场主体间流转的方式叫做营业转让。

    In this reform , it is often used by business property to sell and other paid transfer transactions , and thus the ownership of the business will be hanged , the transfer between different market players called a business transfer .

  14. 本文从分析和概述国外关于营业转让的相关法律入手,对原企业债务的流转和承担、转让人的竞业禁止义务等问题上阐述了自己的观点。

    In this paper , analysis and overview of the foreign law on the transfer of business to start , its adoption of the resolution , the circulation of the original corporate debt and commitment , presented their views on the non-compete obligations of the transferor .

  15. 营业财产转让相关的债务承担制度就是满足这样要求的一种规则。

    The rule of debt assumption in relation to undertaking transfer is such a regulation capable of meeting demand .

  16. 这个站点还托管了一些公共报告,比如建筑许可、营业执照、财产转让以及对公众十分重要的诸如此类的服务。

    This site also hosts public records like Building permits , Business licenses , property transfers and similar such services that are essential for the common mass .