
  1. 元服务信息是结合WEBService技术,采用面向服务和面向对象的描述思想,对网格环境中资源及服务的抽象描述。

    Meta-service information is the abstract description of resources & services in grid environment , which combines Web Service technology , and adopts idea of service-orientation and object-orientation .

  2. 本文结合PlatformComputing公司的企业网格操作系统EGO,对网格中资源信息的管理进行了研究,为网格用户提供准确有效的资源信息。

    With the Enterprise Grid OS ( EGO ) of Platform Computing Company , the thesis focuses on the research of the grid resource manger , providing the accurate and effective resource information for the grid user .

  3. 改进后的系统平台在进行访问控制时需进行完整性检查,保证XCP平台中资源的完整性,提高XCP平台的安全性。

    Platform for improved system needs for integrity checks to ensure the integrity and the security of the resources in the XCP platform during the access control .

  4. 最后针对网格敏捷造船资源调度特点,结合蚁群算法,实现了敏捷造船过程中资源调度的实现,并通过一个具体的算例分析,证明用小生境优化蚁群算法(MACO)资源调度的可行性。

    Finally combining resource scheduling characteristics of shipbuilding under the grid environment and ant colony algorithm , we realized agile shipbuilding process resource scheduling , and through a specific numerical example , it proved the feasibility that resource scheduling with an ant colony algorithm ( MACO ) .

  5. 高可用系统中资源监视研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Resources Monitoring Framework in HA System

  6. 企业营销预算中资源优化模型与作业预算法

    The Resources Optimization Model and the Task-budget Technique in Marketing Budget

  7. 远程网络教育系统中资源建设的研究

    Research on the Resources Construction of Distance Internet Education System

  8. 路政应急管理中资源布局的混合整数规划模型

    Mixed-integer Programming Model for Resource Allocation in Roadway Emergency Management

  9. 智能知识服务平台中资源管理系统的构建

    Construction of Resource Management System in Intelligent Knowledge Service Platform

  10. 研究开发流程中资源的特点

    Characteristics of Resources in Research & Development Process Reengineering

  11. Dephi中资源文件的创建和使用

    How to Create and Use Delphi Resource Files

  12. 对于分布式系统中资源的分布管理算法是分布式系统中的重要课题之一。L。

    The research of distributed resource management algorithm is one of the major subject in distributed system .

  13. 另一方面,它适应服务资源自主控制的特点,支持应用系统中资源的动态绑定机制,提高应用系统的灵活性。

    Abstract business service supports the mechanism of dynamic service binding , which improves the flexibility of application system .

  14. 论述了煤炭资源开发利用过程中资源税征收方面存在的问题及调整方法。

    This paper discusses the problems and methods of adjustment coal resources tax-levying in course of exploitation and utilization .

  15. 与传统的分布式系统不同的是,开放系统中资源是公共可访问的,系统的用户不再是特定群体。

    Differing from traditional distributed systems , open systems possess resources accessible for public instead of only for a specifical group .

  16. 军用物资在运输道路上的分配问题是国防经济中资源分配的一个重要问题。

    Military supplies distribution in the transportation on the road is an important issue in the resources allocation of national defense economy .

  17. 由于该方法考虑项目中资源的约束和人员心理因素的影响,并利用缓冲对项目进度进行综合调配和监控,从而达到提高项目计划管理的精度和稳定性的目的。

    The Critical Chain theory considers the resource constraining and human psychology . It uses buffers to control and manage the project schedule .

  18. 第二部分,在参考相关文献和资料的基础上,找到西部公路建设中资源环境保护存在的问题并加以分析。

    The second part analyzed the problems existed in the resource and environment protection in western road construction on the basis of relevant literature and data .

  19. 这些问题一方面反映在社会生活中资源分配、人格价值权利及信用体系的不公正上;

    These challenges on the one hand reflected in the unfair all in the resource distribution in the social life , the personality value right and the credit system ;

  20. 例如,如果希望启用池功能,可以编写一个一般性的方面,通知对池中资源进行创建和销毁调用。

    For example , if you wanted to enable pooling , you could write a generic aspect advising calls to the creation and destruction of a resource being pooled .

  21. 该算法可以将背包问题中资源选择的并行性和遗传算法固有的并行性相结合,极大的提高了搜索效率和解的质量。

    It combines the parallelism of resource selection in Knapsack Problem and the inherent parallelism in genetic algorithm , which improves greatly the searching efficiency and the quality of solution .

  22. 本文首先介绍了资源管理与调度技术的过程、方法及实现,探讨了资源调度技术的应用方案&E-Learning,最后论述了数字参考咨询服务中资源调度的应用。

    This article introduces the course , method and actualization of resource management and scheduling firstly , and then discusses the application case of resource scheduling technology & E-Learning . At last , it states the application of resource scheduling in DRS.

  23. 第5章从土地制度、资源定价制度、资金使用制度、城市规划制度和政府决策监督制度等方面对苏南地区城镇化过程中资源浪费原因进行了细致分析。

    Chapter 5 analyze the reasons of serious waste of resources of Sunan areas from the point of view of land system , resource pricing system , use of funds system , urban planning system and government decision-making monitoring system and so on .

  24. 针对网格环境下传统的基于角色的访问控制方式中资源共享的可扩放性和欺骗问题,提出了一种动态的访问控制方式。

    A new dynamic access control scheme , in which an entity 's behavior and privilege can be dynamically and flexibly linked , is proposed to improve scalability and to restrain cheating of resource sharing in traditional role-based access control scheme in grid environment .

  25. Web信息系统中的资源访问控制

    The Access Control Of Resources in a Web-based Information System

  26. 集成移动IP与移动adhoc网络环境中的资源定位

    Resource Location in Mobile IP and Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  27. ApplicationDetails页面包含了关于程序中分布式资源,以及您可以使用的操作集合的信息。

    The Application Details page contains information about the distributed assets in your application and the set of Actions that you can use .

  28. 绿色GDP中环境资源损耗核算方法的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Accounting Method of Environment Resources Depreciation in the Green GDP Accounting System

  29. 浅谈FPGA设计中的资源利用

    The Resources Utilization in FPGA Design

  30. 谈VISUALFOXPRO中外部资源的使用

    The Application of Exterior Resources on Visual FoxPro