- stipes;eustipes;node

Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node .
It was found that a main effect QTL controlled main spike length , rachis internode length , tiller number and grain weight per plant . 4 .
The tissue culture and rapid proliferation techniques of Morinda officinalis How were studied by using apical buds and tender stems as explants . The explants were cultivated in different MS medium with different types and concentrations of plant hormones .
Changes in the expressions of these genes might alter the distribution of the gibberellin and auxin contents in RB , which thereby enhanced the growth of the RB stem and leaves .
The stem diameter coefficient gradually reduced with internodes from down to up .
The adventitious shoot can be induced from a nodal segments and tip shoots directly .
But As concentration of brown rice has most positively correlation to that of culm .
Simulation model of stem node growth of tomato in long season cultivation in northern solar greenhouse
The engine sowed cinders and soot over the fiery flowers and the hairy knobs of weed .
Description : Herbaceous vines , glabrous except for pubescent on stem nodes , petioles , and leaf margin .
The trend of the bleeding intensity in different part of the paddy rice species is consistence , and its total trend is descendent .
There were significant relationship between living bud rate and the dry matter weight of different stem nodes , soluble carbohydrate content and starch content , respectively .
Three-dimensional morphological structures of leaf , stem , tassel , ear , and root system were described by parameterized geometrical models based on organ morphological structural characteristics .
In rice ( Oryza sativa ), the shoot-borne crown roots are the major root type and are initiated at lower stem nodes as part of normal plant development .
Out Ellan Vanin way a cane-like weed grew along the road that showed an occasional bulge on its stalk , containing a substantial worm that was good for fishing .
The results indicated that : ( 1 ) the bleeding intensity has very big difference in different part during the growth periods of the rice species of the same Panicle-Type .
Manilagrass was trampled by 4 trampling intensities in 3 courses . The internode length , the leaf length and the number of node will increase as the trampling intensities become stronger .
The main results were as follows : 1 There were some differences among maize varieties in dry mass accumulation and partitioning in different plant organs such as leaf blade , sheath and internodes .
Heritability of broad sense was relatively high for the characters of tendril length , petiole length , burl length , tendril width , divarication and yield-contributing characters , being all higher than 50 % .
I would harvest worm-laden segments of the stalks , cut to a uniform length , and peddle them in bundles to the fishermen in their rowboats , gliding up to them in my canoe .
The chauffeur quickly turned the car round , then drove back along the cinder path and out through the back gate . The engine sowed cinders and soot over the fiery flowers and the hairy knobs of weed .
In this research , the solid medium supplemented with plant liquid extract showed best results . After four week culture , the plant height reached up to 7.3 cm , node number 7.1 , and the propagation coefficient was highest among all treatments .
The results showed that drought-resistance was highly correlated with leaf water POtential , water loss rate , plant height , length of ear stem , length of ear stem out leaf sheath and length of flag leaf , and it had no significant negative effectS on grain yield .
Tissue Culture of Young Spike , Stem and Nod of Wheat and Plantlet Regeneration
Philoxeroides . The results show that : ( 1 ) the node of rhizome is prerequisite of its clonal reproduction ;
Shoots and stem nodes of the micropropagated clones of Gossypium costulatum were used as explants , which were cultured to flowering in vitro .
Staining results showed that POS mRNA was detected in vegetative organs , including root , leaf , shoot apex , upper node and tiller .
The correlation between plant height , stem girth and the potassium content had reached significant level .
The results showed that there were greater effects of nitrogen rates and density on plant height , stalk width and leaf size .
Results showed that potassium content and plant height , stem girth , step , leaf number and the biggest leaf length was positive correlation .