- 名tuber;stem tuber

[stem tuber] 一种呈块状的茎,通常是在地下形成的
MS + 6BA2 + NAA0.3 was the best medium in induced callus and stem tuber buds to adventitious buds .
In the lower part of stem tuber produced adventitious roots , each comprising epidermis , cortex and stele , which could form fibrous root system .
Studies on the Content Changes of Protein and Vitamin C during Potato Storage
Effect of Different Pretreatment Methods on the Extraction of Genomic DNA of Rhizoma Gastrodiae Tuber
A Simple and Efficient Method for RNA Extraction from Potato Tuber
However , roles of AtCO and inner CO in controlling tuber formation remain unclear .
Extraction Total RNA from Potato Tuber and Cloning Acid Invertase Gene by RT-PCR
N content in the leaves of potatoes were higher than in roots , stems and tubers in the whole growing period .
Detection of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid by RT-PCR and Analysis of Its Complete Sequences
Detection of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid by Space-arm Photobiotin Labelled cDNA Probe and Nucleic Acid Spot Hybridization
This paper reports on the conditions suitable for the formation of tuber by callus and underground stem of Corydalis yanhusuo .
Studies on the Regularity of PPO Activity of Potatoes and Anti-wounded-browning Genetic Engineering for Tubers
Low N + high K treatment gave best yield , quality and commodity rate of tuber among treatments .
The uptake amount of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium for stem-leaf , ginger tube and total plant increased along with the rate of K fertilizer application at two N levels .
Effect of DMSO on Potato Tuber Segments in Permeability , Soluble Protein Patterns and Polysome State
Content of ZR was highest when stolon took place , ZR played promotive role in the course of tuber formation .
Through modification of the protocol of our lab , a new total RNA isolation method for potato tubers was established by changing the content of denaturant .
Result and Conclusion : By stress time increasing , the content of MDA in lamina and petiole increased obviously , but it increased invisibly in tuber .
Effects of abiotic factors were investigated on resistance induction of potato tuber slices against Rhizoctonia solani .
At tuber form stage and starch deposit stage , when irrigation frequency was 1time / d or 1 time / 2d , contents of chlorophyll a > b in leaves were higher .
Anthocyanin content of potato tubers and anthocyanin synthase ( PAL and DFRactivity ) positive correlation . 6 .
Ammonium bicarbonate application significantly decreased potato yield as well as Vc , dissolubility sugar , and protein contents , whereas enhanced nitrate content and lower potato quality . 4 .
Study on the Primary Identification of 8 Bacteria Isolates from Rot Potato Tuber via 16S rDNA , Pathogenic Test and Indoors Control
The stem tubers of 50-100 g were formed after the transplantation for 5-6 months and plants grew vigorously .
The experiment also showed that the treatments splited nitrogen were not to reduce the specific gravity of tubers , and increased by6 % ( p 0.05 ) .
The result showed that ridge cultivation not only enhance the output but also improve the accumulation of the main available components which are alisol A 24-acetate and alisol B 23-acetate , comparing with the traditional planting method . It is worth spreading .
But at the population level , V. bulbosa and V. tuberifera did not present high genetic diversity , in that the means of h and I were 0.1320 and 0.1997 respectively , and the genetic differentiation among populations were evident .
In different tuber-inducing conditions , the content of total RNA was increased with the treatments capable to form tubers when tuber was initiating which demonstrated that tuberization was related to the expression of some new genes .
The results showed that the improvement of soil aeration increased the ATP content and promoted the ATPase activity in functional leaves and tubers , and increased the contents of ABA in tubers .
The effects of the plant growth regulators , such as GA , ABA , B_9 and CCC on tuberization of etiolated sprouts or potato plants were not interrelated to their effects on solanine content .