  • stem;stalk;cane
  • 植物体上生枝长叶开花的部分,有输送植物体内养料的作用,是植物的中轴。

  • 量词,指长条形的东西:几~小草。数~白发。


(植物体的一部分) stem (of a plant); stalk:

  • 地下茎

    subterranean stem;

  • 根茎


  • 块茎


  • 球茎


  1. 这种植物的茎上长有绿色细长条纹。

    The plant 's stem is marked with thin green longitudinal stripes .

  2. 荨麻长有四方茎和细小茸毛。

    The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs .

  3. 就从茎节下面,沿茎干把它们全砍掉。

    Cut them off cleanly through the stem just below the node .

  4. 木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。

    Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems

  5. 莎草看上去和普通的草没什么两样,但其草茎是实芯的而不是空芯的。

    Sedge is similar in appearance to grass but has a solid rather than a hollow stem

  6. 别掐断植物茎!

    Don 't nip any stalks off the plant .

  7. 该昆虫也叫番茄叶虫,以果实为食物,并钻入植株的茎内移动来破坏农作物。

    The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .

  8. 然而,一旦开始生长,这些植物似乎就不再具有暂停其茎叶新陈代谢的能力。

    Yet once they start growing , such plants seem not to retain the ability to hit the pause button on metabolism in their stems or leaves .

  9. 生长到最大高度时它们的茎部会长出花朵。

    When they reach their full height , flowers grow out from the stem .

  10. 红色茎部和两片又长又宽的绿叶是它们的标志性特征。

    They are recognized by their red stem , and two long and wide green leaves .

  11. 然而,人们认为香蕉树是一种草本植物,而不是一种树,因为它没有强壮的木质茎。

    The banana plant , however , is considered a herb rather than a tree because it doesn 't have a strong , woody stem ( 、 ) .

  12. 其茎干被一层光滑的棕色树皮包裹,绿色的叶子则长有锯齿状边缘,其外形与蔷薇的叶子相似。

    Its stem is covered with a smooth brown bark , and its green leaves have saw-like edges , somewhat like the leaves of a rose-bush .

  13. 每年,橡树的茎干都会变得更粗,因为树皮之下长出了新的一层木头。

    Every year the stem of the oak-tree becomes a little thicker , for a new layer of wood grows all round it just under the bark .

  14. 蒲公英没有长长的茎干,不过在根的顶部却生长出一些向外扩散的绿叶,从而形成莲座丛。

    The dandelion has no long stem or trunk , but from the top of the root a number of green leaves spread out and form a rosette .

  15. 到处都是勃勃的生机,甚至粘在草茎上的小雪球里,也会躺着一只小绿虫,如果你把它捅开的话。

    Everywhere you look is life ; even the little ball of spit on the weed stalk , if you poke it apart , has a green worm inside it .

  16. 水蜜桃茎尖基因组DNA不同提取方法研究

    Study on the Different Extraction Method of Genomic DNA of Juicy Peach Stem-tip

  17. 盐分抑制羊草对N、P、K的吸收,尤其K的吸收受盐分抑制显著,不同盐度处理羊草植株茎叶与根系K含量均显著降低。

    The content of N , P and K , especially K was greatly reduced by salt .

  18. 长芒稗E.长根茎蓝粒玉米种质利用初报

    The First Report about the Application of Long Rhizome Germplasm of Blue Maize

  19. 利用花茎培养试管苗生产茎椰菜F1种子

    Preliminary study on floral stem culture for use in f_1 hybrid seed production in Broccoli

  20. 老龄大鼠海马CA3区神经元的酶细胞化学改变及人参茎叶皂甙的抗衰老作用

    Enzyme cytochemical alternations of neurons in hippocampal ca_3 of aged rats and the anti-aging effects of Ginsenoside

  21. 人参茎叶皂甙对正常和利血平化小鼠肝、肾组织的DNA,RNA及蛋白质合成的影响

    Effects of saponin of GSL on DNA RNA and protein synthesis of liver and kidney in normal and reserpinized mice

  22. 在同一药用部位中,叶中苦玄参苷IA含量高于IB,根和茎中苦玄参苷IB含量高于IA。

    The content of picfeltarraenin I_A was higher than that of picfeltarraenin I_B in the identical part in leaves , while conversely in stems and roots .

  23. 马铃薯四倍体栽培种茎段组织的EMS诱变研究

    Research on Applying Stem Segment in Vitro of Tetraploid Potato Variety in EMS Mutation

  24. 以大叶黄杨带腋芽茎段为材料,以MS和1/2MS为基本培养基,进行组织培养研究。

    Euonymus japonica us stem segment with axillary 's bud was cultured with MS and 1 / 2MS medium in this experiment .

  25. 本文报道了延胡素愈伤组织和地下茎形成块茎的适宜条件:改良H培养基附加BA或BA+GA。

    This paper reports on the conditions suitable for the formation of tuber by callus and underground stem of Corydalis yanhusuo .

  26. Cd,Pb在小白菜茎叶的含量与土壤有效Cd,Pb也显著相关。

    The contents of Cd , Pb , Zn in Brassica chinensis also significantly correlated with their available contents in soil .

  27. 兰花圆球茎基因枪转化后的GUS基因表达

    The Expression of GUS Gene in Orchid Protocorms After Bombardment

  28. 以叶用莴苣微茎尖为试材,在含有BA和NAA的MS液体培养基上旋转培养,诱导出大量愈伤组织;

    Primordium-like tissue was established from the apical meristem under rotation culture on MS medium with BA and NAA .

  29. 孕茭前~(14)C同化物在短缩茎分配率较大,而叶片、叶鞘较小,说明短缩茎是养分贮藏的中间库;

    The allocate rate of 14C assimilation is highest in culm before pregnant , lower in leaf-blade and leaf-sheath , which showed that culm was the middle sink in nutrient store progress .

  30. 腐植酸能有效抑制Hg在植物体内的富集,使植物茎、叶中Pb的分配系数明显降低;

    Humus could restrain Hg accumulation in plants effectively and reduce the coefficient of distribution of Pb in stem and leaf obviously .