- 网络Stem apex;shoot apex;stem end

The content of Calmodulin ( CaM ) in stem apex went up gradually before the inflorescence differentiation and reached a peak after one week of the inflorescence differentiation , then went down during curd formation .
Morphology and cytohistological zonation appeared different between cone apex and the vegetative shoot apex .
The results showed that CTK existed in the growing tip , the flowering stalk and the it 's base part .
In a same variety , rooting directly from apexes showed a higher rate than that from callus .
At the appearance of the eighth leaf primordia , SAM formed a bulge and had more cells .
Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .
Iceland is in the far north of the world . small palm of southern Florida and West Indies closely resembling the silvertop palmetto .
Distinct inductive pathways can activate the expression of flower meristem identity genes , thus cause the transition from shoot apical meristem to flower meristem .
The stems produced on the surface of cal-lus had typical structure of tunica and corpus . The tunica contained only one layer of ceils .
Their " curds " did not stop at developmental stage of apical meristem , but produced loose , green inflorescence , which composed of flower buds instead , not floral meristem .
The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division , the Tracheophyta . Leaf is the first lateral organ produced by the activity of the shoot apical meristem ( SAM ) .
The development of oil and mucilage cells in the stem and leaf of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum were studied with the help of method of semithin section .