
  • 网络Economies of scope;scope economy;scale economy
  1. 轴&辐式运输网络的范围经济问题

    Economies of Scope of " Hub and Spoke " Transportation Network

  2. 第一为利用范围经济或协同效果。

    First is for the economies of scope or synergy effect .

  3. 而X效率作为一个衡量效率的有效指标,解释了大约20%或更多的银行业的成本,在准确衡量的前提下,它的解释能力明显高于规模经济和范围经济这两个指标。

    But X efficiency , as index sign , explains about more than 20 % costs of banks , under the premise that accurate measure . The explanation is more obvious than " scale economy " and " scope economy " .

  4. 金融控股公司拥有规模经济效应和范围经济效应。

    FHC has the superiority of scale and scope economy effects .

  5. 具有生产活动的大范围经济系统均衡的存在性

    Existence of equilibrium for a large economical systems with productive action

  6. 范围经济与自然垄断的关系:一个辨析视角

    Relationships between Scope Economy and Natural Monopoly : A Discrimination Perspective

  7. 高等教育中的范围经济:基于质量因素的分析

    Economies of scope in higher education : analysis based on quality

  8. 范围经济是金融业混业经营的前提条件。

    Economies of scope are the precondition of financial mixed operation .

  9. 市场规模、范围经济与供应链聚集可能性

    Market size , scope economies and supply chain clustering possibility

  10. 聚集经济是通过规模经济和范围经济的获得来实现的。

    Agglomeration is achieved through scaled economy and sphere economy .

  11. 中国商业银行范围经济状态实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Economies of Scope of China 's Commercial Banks

  12. 传媒业中的规模经济与范围经济

    Scale economy and scope economy in the media industry

  13. 中国银行业规模经济与范围经济比较

    Compare Scale Economy with Scope economy in Chinese Banking

  14. 论企业多元化经营的范围经济性

    The economics of scope of enterprises ' diversified operation

  15. 同类企业间良好的水平合作,实现了规模经济对单位运输成本的降低和范围经济对物流转运点的减少,降低了集群企业的物流成本。

    With the good horizontal cooperation , cluster enterprise obtain logistics reducing of cost .

  16. 协同效应或范围经济会对审计收费产生影响。

    The synergic effect and scope economy also have influence on the audit fees .

  17. 专业化、规模经济和范围经济是企业或产业发展过程中不可逾越的阶段。

    Specialization , scale economy and scope economy are necessary stages in developing industry .

  18. 论饭店的范围经济

    Analysis on the Economies of Scope in Hotels

  19. 此外,核心还意味着能力可以实现范围经济。

    Besides , core competence implies it can make use of the economy of scale .

  20. 该种研发组织具有资本优势、规模效益优势、范围经济优势等优点。

    VR & DO possess the advantages on capital , scale profit and scope economy .

  21. 规模经济与范围经济在企业成长生命周期中的应用

    The Application of the Economy of Scale and Scope in the Growth Lifecycle of Enterprises

  22. 研究商业银行的范围经济效应实质上就是研究商业银行混业经营的问题。

    The research on banks scope economies refers to the problem of hybrid operation essentially .

  23. 知识共享与规模经济、范围经济和联结经济

    Economies of Scale , Economics of Scope , and Economics of Connection of Knowledge Sharing

  24. 学校规模经济与范围经济

    School scale economy and scope economy

  25. 知识溢出不仅具有规模经济,而且还具有范围经济和联结经济。

    Knowledge spillovers not only has economies of scale , but also has economies of scope .

  26. 担保集团的产生是基于对规模经济、范围经济和协同效应的追求。

    Security group is based on the pursuit of scale economies , scope economies and synergies .

  27. 自然垄断产业的规模经济性和范围经济性与管理体制改革&以铁路运输业的管理改革为例

    The Economics of Scale and Scope in Natural Monopolistic Industry and the Reform on Management System

  28. 本文首次运用协同效应与范围经济理论解释了这一现象。

    The dissertation first explains this phenomenon with the theory of synergic effect and scope economy .

  29. 第三,完善产业链实现范围经济和多渠道的盈利模式。

    Last , perfecting industrial chain and realizing economy of scope , increasing the profit channel .

  30. 金融控股公司与专业银行相比,具有几方面的优势,如信息优势,规模经济,范围经济,风险递减以及通过合并报表合理避税等优势。

    The financial holding company has some theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages versus specialized financial intermediaries .