
  • 网络urbanization economy;Urbanized Economy;Urbanization economics
  1. 城市化经济与长株潭经济一体化

    Urbanization Economies and the Integrated Chang-Zhu-Tan Regional Economy

  2. 第一,地方化经济、城市化经济和学习经济在都市圈中心城市形成中的作用。

    In the beginning , how do localization economies , urbanization economies and learning economies function in forming central cities in Metropolitan Area ?

  3. 黑龙江省城市化经济驱动因素实证分析

    Practical analysis on the driving factors of urbanization economy in Heilongjiang province

  4. 其中,向心力包括地方化经济和城市化经济;离心力则包括集聚带来的拥挤成本以及因运输成本很高或者很低时造成的经济活动的分散化。

    Agglomeration forces include localization economies and urbanization economies . Dispersion forces include the congestion costs and the dispersion caused by the transportation costs .

  5. 同时,我国城市化经济增长方式面临由粗放型向集约型的根本性转变。

    And at the same time the mode of economic increase of our country faces the fundamental transition from extensive economy to the intensivism economy .

  6. 同时,本文采用全要素生产率而非有偏的劳动生产率,通过对其进行分解,本文首次研究了地方化经济和城市化经济分别对技术前沿进步和技术效率改善的影响。

    And we measure TFP and its decomposition rather than biased labor productivity , we study the impact of localization and urbanization on Technology Change and efficiency Promotion .

  7. 市政经济以其特有的城市化经济内涵,是实现城市现代化的重要途径,是满足现代城市各利益主体共同目标的现代手段。

    The municipal economy is an important way to realize city modernization by its special urbanization economy connotation . It is modern means to meet common goals and interests of modern city .

  8. 发现无论是地方化经济还是城市化经济,所解释的重点均是专业化产业区和城市的发展,并不能很好地解释多个城市在一定地理空间中的集聚、分工与合作。

    Whether localization economies or urbanization economies , the focus of agglomeration economies is always on the development of specialized industry area and cities , and it cannot decipher the agglomeration , division of labor and cooperation of several cities in certain geographical space .

  9. 文章第二部分提出了城市化经济定律,从理论上证实资本融资与投资是城市化发展的微观和宏观动力的一部分,并对本文涉及的城市化投融资的基本概念进行了界定。

    In the second part , it puts forward the economic law of urbanization , which confirmed that the capital financing and investment is portion of micro and macro power of urbanization from theoretical , and defined the concepts of financing and investment that involved in this paper .

  10. 文章以浙江省各县市为样本,运用单位根检验、OLS等方法从区位条件角度对城市化与经济发展之间的互动关系进行了实证研究。

    Using all the counties of Zhejiang province as samples , the study examines the relation between urbanization and economic development with Unit Root and OLS methods , which is based on location perspective .

  11. 人口、城市化对经济增长影响的分析长期以来被忽视,本文运用计量经济学中Johansen协整检验和葛兰杰因果检验等前沿分析方法,分析了各省人口、城市化进程对经济增长的影响。

    This text uses econometrical Co-integration test and Granger causality test to examine the impact of the population and urbanization on economic growth in every province . In analyzing progress , the population variable is divided into the size of population and quality .

  12. 城市化包括经济城市化、空间城市化和人口城市化。

    Urbanization includes economic urbanization , space urbanization and population urbanization .

  13. 中国城市化与经济增长关系的再考察

    Rediscovery of the Relationship between Urbanization and Economic growth in China

  14. 城市化与经济的持续增长&以唐山为例

    Urbanization and Economic Growth : A Case Study on Tangshan City

  15. 湖南城市化的经济支持与制度支持。

    The sustainment of economy and system to urbanization of Hunan .

  16. 贫富差别、城市化与经济增长&一个基于需求因素的经济学分析

    Income Inequality , Urbanization and Economic Growth : A Demand-side Analysis

  17. 重庆城市化与经济结构转化的灰色关联分析

    Gray Relevance Analysis of Chongqing Urbanization and the Development of Economic Structure

  18. 然而,城市化是经济发展的标志之一。

    But urbanisation is a hallmark of a developing economy .

  19. 城市化既是经济发展的必然结果,又促进了经济的发展,因而,本文认为实施积极的城市化策略,对于经济社会的发展具有十分重要的意义。

    Urbanization is the inevitable result of economic development and promotes economic development .

  20. 重庆城市化与经济协调发展研究

    An Analysis on the Coordination Development of Urbanization and Economy in Chongqing Municipality

  21. 工业化是城市化的经济基础。

    Industrialization is the economic basis for urbanization .

  22. 城市化与经济发展的计量经济分析

    A Metrological Analysis on Urbanization and Economic Development

  23. 服务业增长、城市化与经济发展&改革开放后中国数据的经验研究

    Service Sector Growth , Urbanization and Economic Development

  24. 北京城市化与经济增长研究

    Researches on the Beijing Urbanization and Economic Growth

  25. 首先,城市化是经济快速增长的源泉;

    Because , first , urbanization is the source for our increasingly developing economy .

  26. 城市化是经济和社会发展所产生的必然历史现象。

    The urbanization is a historical course of development of economic and social progress .

  27. 城市化与经济发展能够相互促进,协调发展。

    The urbanization and economy development can prompt each other , and development in coordination .

  28. 工业化与城市化是经济发展的重要的动力,也是经济发展的重要载体。

    Industrialization and urbanization are two most important powers pushing economics development and modernization forward .

  29. 中国城市化与经济发展水平关系的国际比较

    Urbanization and economic development in China : An international comparison based on quadrant map approach

  30. 城市化是经济发展中一个自然(即便痛苦)的过程。

    Migration to the cities is a natural , if painful , part of growth .