
  • 网络Scope confirmation;scope verification
  1. 第二部分,主要阐述违约可得利益损失的范围确认、实务操作中需要考虑的违约可得利益的表现形式。

    The second part mainly discusses the scope confirmed on the loss of attainable interest , the forms of attainable interest in contract breach which should be considered in practical operation .

  2. 世界卫生组织周二宣布,世界范围内确认感染A-H1N1病毒的人数已经接近1500人,比前一天增加了400多个。

    Number of Swine Flu Cases Approaches 1500 Worldwide The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the number of confirmed swine influenza A-H1N1 cases worldwide is close to 1500 , marking an increase of more than 400 infections since the day before .

  3. 国土及舆地图绘的观念是出于需求的功能和目的,以满足古代帝王对领土范围的确认。

    The concept of territory and map out the function and purpose of the demand , is the confirmation of the ancient emperors of their own territorial scope .

  4. 项目的需求与测试是按照确定的范围,确认项目的业务需求,并完成需求与开发的衔接,保证项目的顺利开发与测试。

    Project requirements and testing is according to a defined scope , confirm project service demand , and finish demand and development of cohesion , ensure smooth project development and testing .

  5. 基于分析马克思主义在上述研究领域的拓展,本文首先对分析马克思主义进行一般性分析,界定综合评价的范围,确认比较研究的基础。

    Based on the expansion of research fields above , this article begins with the general analysis of the analytic Marxism , defines the scope of comprehensive evaluation , and confirms the foundation of comparative study .

  6. 埃文思博士希望鼻部认证可以在更大的范围内被确认为一种有效的识别技术。

    Dr Evans hopes the method can be proven to be effective on this larger sample .

  7. 对于银行破产原因、申请人范围、债权人确认、债权人会议、银行破产管理人、银行破产重整、银行破产清算等方面内容没有做明确详细规定。

    The bank bankruptcy , applicant range , confirming creditors , the creditors ' meeting , the bank insolvency , bankruptcy reorganization , bank bankruptcy etc did not make clear detailed provisions .

  8. 评估H1N1流感大流行的工作有时会在国内或全球范围内,将确认死亡人数与季节性流感的估计死亡人数进行比较。

    Efforts to assess the severity of the H1N1 influenza pandemic sometimes compare numbers of confirmed deaths with those estimated for seasonal influenza , either nationally or worldwide .

  9. 但是主流的观点和法制发展趋势表明,隐私权是一种或者应当是一种为法律所确认的权利,是一种在世界范围内正在得到确认的权利。

    However , the mainstream views and legal development trends suggest that privacy should be a statutory right and a worldwide right being recognized .

  10. 可能的结果范围从高等法院确认同性婚姻没有违宪并且维护婚姻保护法案来推翻法律并让同性恋婚姻在全国范围内合法化。

    Possible outcomes range from the high court affirming no constitutional right to same-sex marriage and upholding the Defense of Marriage Act to striking down the law and legalizing homosexual marriage nationwide .

  11. 为了确认虚拟门户只能为相应范围的会员访问,范围会员在确认期间是有效的。

    Realm membership is validated during authentication in order to ensure that a virtual portal can only be accessed by members of the corresponding realm .