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  • Versace;Gianni Versace;Versace collection
  1. 尽管她不喜欢我那件范思哲的衣服,她还是想借去穿。

    She wanted to wear my Versace even though she hates it !

  2. 包括范思哲(Versace)等时装品牌、微软WindowsPhone等科技网站以及LegalandGeneral等金融服务公司。

    These include fashion brands such as Versace , technology sites such as Microsoft " s Windows Phone , and financial services companies such as Legal and General .

  3. 托德斯(Tod’s)与范思哲(Versace)则贬值最快。

    Tod 's and Versace lose their value the fastest .

  4. 此外还有范思哲(versace),该公司的业绩有所改善,将来有可能会进行ipo。

    Further out is Versace , now producing better numbers and with an IPO as a distant possibility .

  5. 范思哲(Versace)正帮助修复米兰的埃马努埃莱二世拱廊(GalleriaVittorioEmanueleII);

    Versace is helping to restore Milan 's Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II ;

  6. 前者在统计期间演出了66场,也靠与范思哲和MAC的合约获得收入,同时还有她自己的黑色香水。

    The former played 66 shows during our scoring period , also cashing in on deals with Versace and MAC , as well as her own Fame fragrance .

  7. 未知预测:Berry(贝瑞)有足够的自信(和完美的身材)来展示这款蓝绿色的Versace(范思哲)va-va-voom礼服。

    Wild Card : Berry has the confidence ( and the body ! ) to wear this va-va-voom turquoise Versace number .

  8. 他们小时候就曾在洛杉矶和拉斯维加斯由其父母经营的范思哲(Versace)时装店打工。

    As children , the melwani boys worked in Versace boutiques their parents ran in both La and Las Vegas .

  9. 安东尼•瓦卡莱洛此前效力于意大利品牌范思哲(Versus,Versace)。这位比利时设计师的首场圣罗兰时装展将于今年10月份的2017春夏巴黎时装周期间举行。

    The Belgian designer , who was previously at Italian brand Versus Versace , is to present his first collection for YSL in October during the Paris Spring-Summer 2017 fashion week .

  10. 许多裸体主义者都声称,专有社区去除了社会上人们判断彼此身份常用的一种手段,那就是以衣取人比如她穿的是普拉达(Prada)还是假的范思哲(Versace)?

    Many naturists contend that communities stripped of one of society 's usual means of judging one another Is she wearing Prada or fake Versace ?

  11. 丽莎:他们有所有最好的牌子,有卡地亚,DKNY和范思哲等等很多。

    Julia : They have all the best brands including Cartier , DKNY , and Versace plus many more .

  12. 此外,像爱马仕(Hermes)、香奈儿、路易威登和范思哲等公司大部分产品在欧洲制作,因此原料和劳务费都用欧元支付。

    In addition , brands such as Hermes , Chanel , Vuitton and Versace make most of their products in Europe , paying for their materials and labor in euros .

  13. 古驰(Gucci)肩饰、范思哲(Versace)军装上衣、裁剪风格符合法西斯审美的普拉达(Prada)修身双排扣战壕风衣:这些单品被放在一起讨论显得有点愚蠢,因为每件单品都很严肃。

    Gucci epaulets , a Versace battle blouse , a trim-fit Prada trench coat tailored to a fascist aesthetic : These references collectively seemed crass , given the gravity of the referent .

  14. 这不禁让人想起上星期詹纳写的一条博客,解释自己在ESPY颁奖礼上穿的那条范思哲裙子是怎么来的:“多娜泰拉·范思哲(DonatellaVersace)

    It underscores a post last week on Ms. Jenner 's blog , in which she explained the genesis of her Versace dress at the ESPY Awards :

  15. 然而,这桩丑闻丝毫不影响中国的有钱人追求豪华沙发的欲望,从范思哲家居系列、芬奇家居到KenzoMaison品牌皆是他们的喜爱。

    However , the scandal has done little to douse China 's wealthy from lusting after plush sofas from the likes of Versace Home , Fendi Casa and Kenzo Maison .

  16. 詹妮弗似乎真的在拍摄《ILuhYaPapi》时,体验了一把重回过去的感觉。她还穿着一条连衣裤,很像她2000年她在格莱美颁奖典礼时穿过的一条范思哲裙子的款式。

    Indeed Jennifer appears to have turned back time in the video for I Luh Ya Papi , as she also wears a jumpsuit very similar to the trademark Versace dress she wore to the Grammys in 2000 .

  17. 巴黎的欧洲男装系列已经接近尾声,周日(1月24日)晚上,范思哲(Versace)以健身为灵感的魅力时装秀拉开了高级定制的大幕,眼下时尚界的焦点可能都集中在那里。

    Fashion attention may be focused on Paris , where the European men 's wear collections have drawn to a close and the couture began Sunday evening with Versace 's parade of gym-inspired glamazons .

  18. 在香港和新加坡,由著名建筑师设计的大牌公寓已经热火了一段时间。不过,率先用意大利时装品牌范思哲(Versace)来给公寓做噱头的却是马尼拉这座城市。

    Demand for designer apartments by celebrity architects has been hot for some time in Hong Kong and Singapore , but Manila will be the first to boast a condo branded by Italian fashion label Versace .

  19. 几大设计公司即将推出的宣传画都是以直发为主,其中包括华伦天奴、芬迪,Herm¨¨s、伯百利、普拉达、范思哲、DKNY、卡尔文·克莱恩、夏奈尔和古姿的广告。

    Major design houses are on board with print campaigns featuring straight hair , including advertisements for Valentino , Fendi , Herm ¨¨ s , Burberry , Prada , Versace , DKNY , Calvin Klein , Chanel and Gucci .

  20. 范思哲不是唯一一个寄希望于中国的奢侈品品牌。

    Versace is not the only luxury brand banking on China .

  21. 像范思哲和香奈儿品牌高端设计师钟情的风格。

    by most high fashion designers like Versace , and Chanel .

  22. 范思哲的迈阿密海景房正在进行拍卖。

    Versace 's Miami beach home has gone up for sale .

  23. 这里是范思哲化妆品的研发机构。

    Elle , this VERSACE is a cosmetic testing facility .

  24. 范思哲已有20家精品店在中国开业,并计划开设更多门店。

    Versace has opened 20 boutiques in the country and is planning more .

  25. 仅仅给那些在世界上至少在五个不同大陆上买过范思哲产品的客户。

    Available only to those that 've shopped on at least five continents .

  26. 他还是几家中国范思哲精品店的供应商。

    He is also service provider for several Gianni Versace boutiques in China .

  27. 我不知道范思哲会不会做奶嘴。

    I wonder if Versace makes a pacifier .

  28. 范思哲青春与时尚的王朝

    Gianni VERSACE the Dynasty of Youth and Fashion

  29. 这不是真正的范思哲牌连衣裙,是件廉价仿制品。

    This isn 't a real Versace dress , it 's one of those knockoffs .

  30. 这当然是我的范思哲双白金会员卡,是能够享受最高优质服务的会员资格卡。

    It 's my double platinum VIP for Versace Preferred Customer identification card , of course .