
Jn . 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light , we have fellowship with one another , and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin .
The analysis for the effect shows that the ground-mode oscillating beam will drift off the Gauss distribution if the nonequilibrium gain distribution is caused by pumping light in the laser medium .
With a satellite running , if the diffuse light such as the sunlight or the moonlight entered the view field of star sensor , the precision of star sensor would be debased .
If the excitation light intensity is increased or the detector integration time is increased , the image detail on weak signal areas can be enhanced , but further expansion of the signal saturation region .
The signal light and the probe light whose initial states are both coherent states will be entangled via interaction , then when a quadrature component of the probe light is measured , the photon number distribution of the signal light is modulated .
But if the right sorts of cells were available this could be cheaper than constantly replacing the batteries that currently power electronic gizmos .