
On Uver Stored in Body as Musculoskeletal System
The reservoirforming assemblages can be classified to four types by the translocating system types in Dongying depression .
It is pointed out that different multiple oilgas accumulation areas may contain same kind of assemblage and one oilgas multiple accumulation area may contain several reservoirforming assemblages .
Based on translocating system which connect source rock and reservoir , reservoir forming assemblage can recover the reservoir forming procession and its dimentional model , furthermore predict the favourite oil-gas distribution .
Lipid oxidation easily occurs during frozen storage , because fish contains much unsaturated fatty acid .
Fluid Inclusion Evidence for Late-stage Petroleum Accumulation , Bozhong Depresion , Bohai Gulf Basin
The lithologic reservoirs include five types : updip pinch-out sandstone reservoirs , lens-type sandstone reservoirs , fault-lithologic reservoirs , igneous reservoirs and structural-lithologic reservoirs .
Abundant information available for the prediction of gas pools has been obtained in the light of the temperatures and compositions of the fluid inclusions from the distal gas pools in western Sichuan .
For a pool had been recharged , whose history of oil charging can be recovered by the chemical composition analysis , combined with others analytical method .
Extensional and transpressional movements resulted in the formation of structural hydrocarbon reservoirs . The early and middle stages of the extensional movement formed lithological reservoirs in synclines and the tilting of fault blocks and uplift / denudation formed stratigraphic reservoirs .
The heart is a function body which includes the meaning of spirit and human nature view . It manages the various function of our body .