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ruò shì
  • supposing;if
若是 [ruò shì]
  • [if] --一般用在偏正复句中偏句的开头,表示假设,相当于要是、如果,正句中常用就、便跟它相呼应

  • 若是似都管看待我们时,并不敢怨怅。--《水浒传》

  • 他若是不去,我们就让别人去

若是[ruò shì]
  1. 你若是注意听了,就会知道发生什么事了。

    You would know what was going on if you 'd listened .

  2. 这不是去年的小册子吗?若是我说错了就请指出。

    Correct me if I 'm wrong , but isn 't this last year 's brochure ?

  3. 他认为数额若是1000万元就差不多了。

    He believes the figure should be more like $ 10 million .

  4. 若是处于另一番情形的话,我可能会倾心于他。

    I might have been disposed to like him in other circumstances

  5. 我想若是我不给他打电话,你就会一直威吓我。

    I suppose you 'll hector me until I phone him .

  6. 我开始想当时若是更自制一些就好了。

    I began to wish I 'd shown more self-control .

  7. 若是这两个强大机构之间达成交易,就会产生一个金融业的巨无霸。

    A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith .

  8. 她若是没给自己找点乐趣的话,早就崩溃了。

    She would have cracked up if she hadn 't allowed herself some fun .

  9. 若是你真的把一个无辜的人送上被告席了呢?

    What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock ?

  10. 若是挥刀自卫,有可能会被夺去而反受其害。

    By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you .

  11. 我的任何队员若是举止不当我也不会轻饶。

    Any one of my players who steps out of line will be in trouble with me as well

  12. 大坝若是建成,会有一些明显的受益者:农民将得到灌溉用水,企业将得到电力。

    There are clear winners when a dam is built . Farmers get irrigation water , businesses get electricity

  13. 成员们担心合并会导致成本提高,若是那样的话,他们将提出反对。

    Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs , in which case they would oppose it .

  14. 有时候散步这种锻炼方式也许会比较枯燥,但若是在一个阳光明媚的清晨,还有什么比这更惬意的呢。

    Walking exercise may be boring at times but early on a clear sunny morning there can be nothing finer .

  15. 若是有人在我刚结婚时跟我说我会生7个孩子,我一定会躲得远远的。

    If anybody had told me when I first got married that I was going to have seven children , I would have run a mile

  16. 我若是你,我就去。

    If I were you , I would go .

  17. 若是离开了沸腾的生活,诗人是写不出感人的诗篇的。

    If a poet is divorced from the hustle and bustle of life , he can 't write inspiring poetry .

  18. 若是把他所经历的事实记录下来,那就是一部充满着大智大勇,惊心动魄的小说。

    If his experiences then had been carefully recorded , it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book .

  19. 各位若是有不同意见,请即提出。

    If you have any different ideas , please speak up now .

  20. 若是没有,我们激劝你细心浏览本章。

    If not , we encourage you to read this chapter carefully .

  21. 若是一位细心的观察者,早就会注意到这个问题了。

    A close observer would have noticed it .

  22. 若是不能及时把积雪从道路上清理走,就会被压实,给车辆行驶带来困难。

    If the snow isn 't cleared from the roads quickly , it packs down hard and makes driving difficult .

  23. 信奉英国宗教的教士,凡有断弦的不应再娶,若是再娶就是违律。

    It was unlawful for a priest of the Church of england , after the death of his first wife , to take a second .

  24. 你若是客人,只需使自己感到自在就好。

    When you ’ re the guest , you should just make yourself at home .

  25. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。

    Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time .

  26. 当然啦,若是有相同境遇的男子,则称为“运动鳏夫”。

    The male equivalent is , of course , the exercise widower1 .

  27. 在澳洲父母亲若是藐视家庭法庭的裁定可能在媒体上被公布姓名。

    Parents who flout Family Court orders may be named in the media in Australia .

  28. 若是如此,以后在上海买苹果手机说不定就跟在美国加州的价格一样了。

    If that comes true , people may pay the same amount of money to buy an iPhone in Shanghai as they do in California .

  29. 若是无法成为一支铅笔,书写别人的快乐,那就尽力变成一块橡皮,抹去他们悲伤。

    If you can ’ t be a pencil to write anyone ’ s happiness , try to be a nice eraser to remove someone ’ s sadness .

  30. 小麦克说:“老师,你懂算术,但你不了解羊。英语小故事我知道,若是有一只羊跳了出去,其余的就会跟着她跳出去。”

    Little Mac said : " You know arithmetic , teacher , but you don 't know sheep . I know that if one sheep jumped , the rest will follow it to do the same . "