
yuán tōng
  • Yuantong;flexible;accommodating
圆通 [yuán tōng]
  • [flexible;accommodating] 通达事理,处事灵活

  • 不圆通,缺乏机智,不知道什么时候不该说话,哪些话说得不是时候

圆通[yuán tōng]
  1. 他为人圆通。

    He 's a very flexible person .

  2. 他为人随和,办事圆通。

    He is very amiable and flexible .

  3. 她不善于圆通处事。

    Tact is not one of her strong points .

  4. 他说话圆通得体、彬彬有礼。

    The tone of his language was diplomatic and polite

  5. 为人圆通会让你成功的道路通畅无阻。

    Diplomacy will smooth your pathway to success .

  6. 摩尔先生处事不够圆通。

    Tact was never Mr Moore 's strength

  7. 阿里巴巴的合作伙伴、物流公司圆通速递(YTOExpress)执行了这次无人机送货服务。

    The drones were deployed by logistics company YTO Express , a partner of Alibaba .

  8. 上海圆通同时负责GI品牌CATV放大模块在亚太地区市场的推广和销售。

    PDI ShangHai is responsible for GI CATV module popularization and sale on the market of the Asian-Pacific area at the same time .

  9. 要想避免那样,你必须做出改变、灵活圆通。

    To avoid that , you must change and be flexible .

  10. 今年中秋节前,圆通速运也再次调价。

    And Yuantong Express raised price again during mid Autumn Festival .

  11. 圆通、公正、准确等的范例

    A model of tact , fairness , accuracy , etc

  12. 韩佳,这儿为什么要叫圆通殿呢?

    Han jia , why is it called Yuantong hall ?

  13. 他们试图寻找一种更为圆通明智的处理东西方关系的方式。

    They 're trying to find a more sophisticated approach to East-West relations .

  14. 他一点也不婉转,一点也不圆通。

    There was nothing subtle or sophisticated about him .

  15. 现有关于民事责任能力的三种理论都在一定程度上存在着缺陷,或在理论上无法圆通,或在实践中缺乏可操作性。

    The three existing theories about liability capacity are all deficient in some degree .

  16. 以温和的或圆通的手段对待某人。

    Ith sb very gently or tactfully .

  17. 适应力强的人;圆通的人格;合同中一个灵活的条款。

    An adaptable person ; a flexible personality ; an elastic clause in a contract .

  18. 要使这对离婚夫妇达成一致需要处事极为圆通。

    Trying to get the divorced couple to agree calls for a great deal of diplomacy .

  19. 这些术语除圆通外都是呈相对意义出现,却不是绝对对立。

    Besides " Yuan Tong ", these terms appear in relative significance but not Absolute opposite .

  20. 我认为他太不圆通了。

    I find him terribly gauche .

  21. 圆通快递公司的发言人表示,一份化学品包裹在运送过程中泄漏造成快件遭污染。

    A YTO spokesman said the contamination happened after a package containing the chemical leaked during transport .

  22. 然而,布隆伯格基本上是以中间派和技术官僚尽管不够圆通的方式来管理这个城市的。

    The mayor , however , generally administers the city in a centrist and technocratic albeit tactless way .

  23. 不久,有德萨扎太太签过字的文件寄回时,佐伊圆通得体地向孩子解释了这一情况。

    When the signed papers were returned , shortly after , Zoe tactfully explained the position to the child .

  24. 你要它必须要得有分寸,而且你对上帝或者天神必须非常圆通。

    You must want it just enough , and you must be very tactful with God or the gods .

  25. 于是大家给他取个死后的法号,叫他做圆通大师。

    So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going .

  26. 新任总经理召开了一个新闻发布会,圆通得体地把责任推到了前任总经理的身上。

    The new manager called a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous general manager .

  27. 中国人很容易地接受了佛教的思想,并将其作为与传统儒家伦理政治哲学、道家人生审美哲学相沟通的非常圆通的精神哲学。

    The Chinese had easily received Buddhism and constructed a flexible spirit philosophy of Confucianism and link up the life aesthetics of Taoism .

  28. 山南峭壁之下的圆通寺,是云南昆明城区最大的古刹。

    Yuantong Temple is under the crag of the south of mountain , is the biggest ancient temple of Kunming City area in yunnan .

  29. 这样一位满身浪漫情怀和名士派头的诗人,具备政治家必需的权谋、耐心、沉稳和圆通吗?

    Covered such a romantic manner and the famous poet , a politician with the necessary political , patience , calm and Yuantong it ?

  30. 圆通公司通过媒体发表声明表示,公司不会逃避责任,目前正在配合警方调查。

    In a statement issued to media , the company said it would not shun its responsibilities and was cooperating with police in the investigation .