
  1. 苏菲亚穿了一件漂亮的衣服,更增添一份迷人的美

    Sophia add a touch of glamour by wear a beautiful dress

  2. 苏菲亚,正如你刚刚闹着对世界所宣称的一样。

    Sylvia , as you announced so melodramatically to the world .

  3. 苏菲亚找不到工作是真的。

    It is true that Sophia could not find a job .

  4. 苏菲亚这么大的时候就能弹奏这一段。

    Sophia could play the piece when she was this age .

  5. 苏菲亚:现在不是谈这种事的时候。

    Sophia : This isn 't the right time to discuss this .

  6. 苏菲亚:有啊,我觉得像在吻菸灰缸。

    Sophia : Yes , and I felt like kissing an ashtray .

  7. 苏菲亚对父亲的减肥事业表示很开心,她说道:我为爸爸感到骄傲。

    Delighted Sophie said : ' Im so proud of my dad .

  8. 阿震:哈啰,先生。这是可爱的费欧娜,而那是苏菲亚

    Hello , sir.This is the lovely Fiona and Sophia .

  9. 我问他,那个年轻的哈尼和苏菲亚小姐的情况怎么样。

    I asked him what was become of young Harney and Miss Sophia .

  10. 简单一句话,苏菲亚爱他爱得神魂颠倒了。

    In a word , Sophia was in love with him to distraction .

  11. 苏菲亚:妈妈,爸爸,发生什么事情了?

    Sophia : Mom , Dad , what 's going on in here ?

  12. 离开这,快逃,苏菲亚。

    Get out of here , come on , beat it , sylvia .

  13. 苏菲亚爱他爱得神魂颠倒了。

    Sophia was in love with him to distraction .

  14. 苏菲亚:停止拨弄你的衬衫!

    Sophia : Stop fiddling with your shirt !

  15. 很容易把苏菲亚当成她。

    Might have easily turned Sofia into julie .

  16. “我很可能永远也不结婚,”苏菲亚答道。

    It is very likely I shall never marry at all , answered sophia .

  17. 苏菲亚:我快赶不上7时34分开往台北车站的那班火车了。

    Sophia : I 'm going to miss the7:34 train to Taipei Main Station .

  18. 苏菲亚跟我们说过你会来!

    Sophia told us you were coming !

  19. ::在苏菲亚表妹的店里这里是可波里尼,我表妹的店。

    At Sophia 's cousin 's store Here 's Copellini 's , my cousin 's store .

  20. 苏菲亚:看来我得用飞的!我可不想连那班车都错过了。

    Sophia : I 've got to fly ! I don 't want to miss that one , too .

  21. 黛西:两张到拉斯维加斯的机票.我也要谢谢你,苏菲亚。

    Daisy : Two plane tickets to Las Vegas . I want to thank you as well , Sophia .

  22. 苏菲亚:一点也不!就算全世界只剩凯尔一个男人,我也不会再跟他约会。

    Sophia : Not at all ! I wouldn 't date Kyle again if he were the last man on Earth .

  23. 苏菲亚的丈夫在军中服役,她表示自从军队逃离后没有听到过丈夫的消息。

    Sipha , whose husband is in the army , says she has not heard from him since the troops fled the city .

  24. 正是这句话刺激了克里斯下决心减肥。苏菲亚对父亲的减肥事业表示很开心,她说道:“我为爸爸感到骄傲。能和爸爸一起跑步和玩耍实在是太好了。”

    Delighted Sophie said : " I 'm so proud of my dad . It 's brilliant being able to run around and play with him . "

  25. 克里斯的10岁小女儿苏菲亚非常热爱跑步,当他意识到因为肥胖超重而不能和女儿玩耍时,他决心要减肥。

    But overweight Chris turned to dieting when he realised he was too fat to play with his ten-year-old daughter , Sophie , who had a passion for running .

  26. 这些影响主要包括:一、主题提前定位,苏菲亚、凤葵、黄逸等无数女子放弃自己平静的生活,像男子一样投入到革命事业中去。

    Firstly , the theme is positioned ahead , many women , such as Sophia , Feng Kui , and Huang Yi gave up their quiet life to devote to the revolutionary cause .

  27. 苏菲亚受到极好的教养,只是她的谈吐举止之间也许还缺乏一种潇洒的风度,那只有靠上流社会的耳濡目染来养成了。

    Sophia was perfectly well bred , though perhaps she wanted a little of that ease in her behaviour , which is to be acquired only by habit and living within what is called the polite circle .