
  • 网络Subha;Sawbwa
  1. 在电视上,苏巴拉奥表露出了信心,认为印度央行有能力阻止最终灾难性恶性通胀阶段的到来。

    On-screen , Mr Subbarao exudes confidence in an ability to head off a final , ruinous stage of hyperinflation .

  2. 记者无法立即联络到印度央行发言人就苏巴拉奥爱引用中国俗语的习惯置评。

    An RBI spokeswoman couldn 't be reached immediately for comment on the governor 's proclivity for quoting the Chinese .

  3. 言毕,一位比丘对世尊说:“世尊,是什麽原因、是什麽理由,麻疯病者苏巴菩达何以如此贫穷、悲惨、潦倒?”

    When this was said , one of the monks said to the blessed one ," lord , what was the cause , what was the reason , why Suppabuddha the leper was such a poor , miserable wretch of a person ?"