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  • 网络Sully;Sulli;sulley
  1. “苏利,我非回去不可,”最后他说,“你的学生们都学得不错。

    Sully , I must go back " he said at last " Your students are doing well .

  2. 苏利在找阿布时,阿布发生了什么事情?莫那什作为澳大利亚最大的大学之一,它的国际知名度,研究和学术成果在世界上享有盛誉。

    What happened to Boo when Sulley was searching for her ? Monash University , as one of the largest university in Australia , is leading the way with its international focus , ground-breaking research and academic excellence .

  3. 海鸥苏利万不禁噗嗤一笑。

    Sullivan Seagull laughed in spite of himself .

  4. 现在已增长以思想的速度飞行、也乐于帮助其他海学习的苏利万。对乔纳森的想法表示怀疑。

    Sullivan , adept now at thought-speed flight and helping the others to learn , was doubtful .

  5. 古典形式的历法(苏利耶&悉哈塔),公元四世纪),是从一些细致的描述上延续过来。

    In its classic form ( Surya-siddhanta , 4th century AD ) the calendar continues from the one above with some refinements .

  6. 这座神殿专门供奉印度教的主神毗湿奴,是在高棉帝国的统治者苏利耶跋摩二世的授意下建造的,据估计共花费30年的时间建成。

    It is estimated that it took 30 years to build the temple dedicated to the Hindu deity , Vishnu , at the behest of King Suryavarman II , the ruler of the Khmer Empire

  7. 巴斯城最早建于公元43年,是罗马人的温泉圣地,拉丁文名字是“阿魁-苏利丝”,但口头流传的说法称巴斯建城时间比这更早。

    The city was first established as a spa resort with the Latin name , Aquae Sulis (" the waters of Sulis ") by the Romans in AD43 although verbal tradition suggests that Bath was known before then .

  8. 帕拉马利玻苏利南的首都和最大城市,位于苏利南河注入大西洋的河口附近。

    The capital and largest city of Suriname , on the Suriname River near its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean .