
  • 网络Selim;Salem
  1. 然而塞利姆因喝不到酒,挑着千万人的性命去攻打他国的事实不容辩驳,尤其是,我们还不得不尊重这一史实。

    However , we shouldn 't lose sight of the fact that Selim 's decision to invade an entire country and risk the lives of thousands was , in part , an overreaction to running out of his favorite wine . On some level , you just have to respect dedication like that .

  2. 塞利姆二世,也称为金发塞利姆,或醉鬼塞利姆,是奥斯曼帝国的苏丹,对塞浦路斯的葡萄酒情有独钟,这位君主对葡萄酒风魔到什么程度呢?史学家们给他起了个外号——醉鬼塞利姆。

    Selim II , sometimes known as Selim the Blond or Selim the Sot , was a sultan of the Ottoman Empire who was known for his love of Cyprus 's wine . Selim 's addiction to wine was so severe that his nickname , Salem the Sot , bestowed by historians , basically translates to Selim the Drunkard .