- the plum flower;unsurpassed beauty;the most popular courtesan;the winter plum;the first of flower;plum blossom

(1) [the first of flower]∶百花的魁首
(2) [plum blossom]∶多指梅花
(3) [unsurpassed beauty]∶绝色佳人
(4) [the most popular courtesan]∶旧时也比喻有名的妓女
The oiran set with two kimonos costs 27000 yen .
He plumed himself on having the belle of the ball as his date .
Any of several sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda of northern regions , characteristically having black and white plumage and a vertically flattened , triangular bill that is brightly colored during breeding season .
The village began the exhibition 21 years ago to attract tourists.This year two giant murals , depicting a traditional Japanese courtesan and iconic Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe , are drawing large crowds to the field .
Ms. Mori recommended something called a " kimono experience and photo shoot , " wherein the patron pays for elaborate kimono dress ( in one of several styles : oiran , maiko or geisha ) , as well as hair and makeup .