
huā fáng
  • greenhouse;garden house
花房 [huā fáng]
  • (1) [garden house]∶一种小型通常敞开的结构。在花园中提供遮阴

  • (2) [greenhouse]∶温室

花房[huā fáng]
  1. 在那所绿房子后面是一个花房。

    Behind the green house was a greenhouse .

  2. 你怎能把走廊变成花房呢,甘小姐。

    You can 't turn the hallway into a greenhouse , miss gunn .

  3. 除此之外,他也发布了像《BadGirl》及中国古典摇滚风格的《花房姑娘》等多首单曲。

    He has also released solo singles , like ' Bad Girl ' and a remake of classic Chinese rock song ' Girl in The Flower Room ' .

  4. 这位25岁的超级明星已经发行了热门单曲《BadGirl》,并翻唱了中国经典摇滚歌曲《花房姑娘》。

    The 25-year-old star has released solo singles like ' Bad Girl ' and a remake of the classic Chinese rock song ' Girl in The Flower Room . '

  5. 李伟和她的花房养蝎场

    Li Wei And Her Greenhouse Keep Scorpion Farm

  6. 我们还想再加一个花房和一间客房。

    We 're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom .

  7. 麦格不管什么时候都能到花房里去漫步,陶醉在那些花丛里。

    MEG could walk in the conservatory whenever she liked and revel in bouquets .

  8. 还有温室花房和保养得很好的花园。

    There were greenhouses and well-kept gardens .

  9. 学院农场有太阳能的谷仓,花园,果树,花房和家禽。

    The college farm has solar-powered barns , gardens , fruit trees , greenhouses and animals .

  10. 是我亲手搭建的,前面还有一间花房。

    I built it by hand and also added a greenhouse to the front of it .

  11. 娜塔莎步出客厅,奔驰而去,只奔至花房。

    When Natasha ran out of the drawing room she only went as far as the conservatory .

  12. 若是给他一个浇花壶,再加一把剪子,他就会忘情地泡在自家的花房里,悠游于那数百株品种各异姹紫嫣红的兰花中。

    With watering can and clippers , he would potter in his greenhouse among hundreds of varieties of orchids .

  13. 旧金山温室花房中的这株泰坦魔芋花已经10岁了,预计这株花可以长到1.5米高。

    The10-year-old plant at the conservatory , nicknamed'Ted the Titan , 'is expected to reach a height of5 feet .

  14. 车库和花房若和房间相通,记得一定要上锁。

    Never leave a garage or garden shed unlocked , especially if it has a connecting door to the house .

  15. 旧厨房花园的设计令人赞叹,里面有平镜般的水池、喷泉、大象雕塑和洁净的花房。

    The old kitchen garden has an amazing design of flat mirror-pools of water , fountains , elephant sculptures and immaculate greenhouses .

  16. 阿姆斯特丹的赞丹酒店的立面特别的惊人,以赞河地区传统的花房风格建造而成。

    Inntel Hotel Amsterdam Zaandam 's facade is particularlystriking , crafted in the style of the traditional green houses found in theZaan region .

  17. 他会继续去写他的下一本书,或是溜进他那安静的花房,手上的器具铿锵悦耳,那堂耐心课的铃声就要敲响了。

    He would go and work on his next book , or retire to the greenhouse , implements in hand ; and practise patience .

  18. 上周末,美国旧金山温室花房中的一株又大又臭的花吸引来了众人的目光。

    ' Corpse Flower'Set to Bloom in San FranciscoA giant , stinky flower is attracting a nosy crowd to San Francisco 's Conservatory of Flowers this holiday weekend .

  19. 他带着她在草坪里、花圃里和温室里走了走,然后又到果园里和花房里走了走,在那儿他问她喜不喜欢吃草莓。

    He conducted her about the lawns , and flower-beds , and conservatories ; and thence to the fruit-garden and greenhouses , where he asked her if she liked strawberries .