
  • 网络spontaneous potential;sp spontaneous potential
  1. 针对非均质地层中电阻率非分块常数,提出一个新的自然电位测井模型。

    A new spontaneous potential log model for the case when formation resistivity is not piece-wise constant was introduced .

  2. SP(自然电位)偏头现象;

    SP ( spontaneous potential ) deviation phenomenon ;

  3. 岩石激发极化IP和自然电位SP自动测量系统

    Automatic Measurement System for Induced Polarization ( IP ) and Spontaneous Pontential ( SP ) of Cores

  4. 对自然电位、自然电位幅度异常△V(sp),与渗透性地层、非渗透性地层之间的关系进行了分析。

    The relation between SP , SP deflection (△ V_ ( sp )) and permeable , impermeable formations is analysed .

  5. 6.1级地震前一周,元谋自然电位NS、EW向同时出现大幅度下降的临震异常。

    A week before the earthquake with M S 6.1 , the NS and EW components of spontaneous potential at Yuanmou station simultaneously descend in large scale .

  6. 我们在冀中坳陷SH区的试验结果表明,油气藏与自然电位负异常之间有一定的对应关系。

    The result of experiments we made in SH area of Jizhong depression shows that the negative anomaly of natural electric potential is related to hydrocarbon reservoir .

  7. 利用声波时差,结合自然电位,在储集层段自上而下读取声波时差值(Δt),并以地层深度(H)为横坐标,以对数为纵坐标,作散点图;

    The value Δ t of reservoir displayed by SP curves is read from top to bottom ; and the dispersing or distributing points of formation depth ( H ) versus its corresponding value Δ t are plotted with the depth H as abscissa and common logarithm as ordinate .

  8. 试验中对经加速碳化的钢筋已腐蚀的砂浆试件,通以一定电流密度对钢筋进行阴极极化,定期测定混凝土孔隙液的pH值、混凝土中钢筋的自然电位和极化电阻。

    During the experiment , the mortar sample with reinforcement corroded through accelerated carbonization was electrified with a certain current density for cathode polorization of reinforcement , and the PH value of concrete pore liquid and natural electric potential & polarization resistance of reinforcement in concrete were determined regularly .

  9. 极化的电位从自然电位到-0.6V(相对SCUE)。

    Polarization potential was between rest potential and - 0.6 V ( vs SCUE ) .

  10. Qv和Rw是WS饱和度评价模型的基本参数,运用激发极化电位测井资料法、常规测井资料法、水分析法及正自然电位曲线法亦可分别求取。

    Q v and R w are basic parameters of W S model , and could be calculated by using excited polarizing potential log data , conventional log data , formation water analysis and positive spontaneous potential curve respectively .

  11. 离子导电岩石自然电位特性的机理研究

    The mechanism of spontaneous potential characteristics of rocks with ionic conductivity

  12. 位场正则化下延在自然电位概率成像中的应用

    Application of potential field normalized downward extrapolation in SP probability tomography

  13. 自然电位测井方法以往仅应用于裸眼井中。

    SP logging method was only used in the open hole .

  14. 自然电位是较好反映混合液矿化度变化的测井信息。

    Spontaneous potential can reflect the salinity change of mixed liquid .

  15. 岩石标本压力实验中自然电位变化的研究

    Studies of natural potential changes in rock sample under stress

  16. 自然电位在水淹层评价中的应用

    Application of SP in the evaluation of watered out formation

  17. 始新统砂层的漏斗形自然电位曲线形态很明显。

    The funnel-shaped self-potential curve of the Eocene sands is well marked .

  18. 自然电位测井在可地浸砂岩型铀矿找矿中的应用

    Application of spontaneous potential logging in exploration of sandstone-type uranium

  19. 自然电位测井技术在隐蔽油气层识别中的应用

    Application of spontaneous potential logging in recognition of blind zone

  20. 金属矿自然电位的空间分布及其应用

    Spatial distribution of spontaneous potential of metallic orebody and : its application

  21. 水淹层自然电位实验测量及结果分析

    Measuring Spontaneous Potential of Watered-out Zone in Laboratory and Analyzing Its Results

  22. 自然电位测井的数学方法

    A Mathematical Method in Electric Logs by the Spontaneous Potential

  23. 水压致裂试验过程中自然电位测量研究

    Study on spontaneous potential measurement during hydraulic fracturing experiment

  24. 层间氧化带型砂岩铀矿自然电位二维正演计算

    Two-dimensional forward of spontaneous potential in interlayer oxidation zone sandstone type uranium deposits

  25. 火山地区二维自然电位异常反演

    Inversion of a two-dimensional self-potential anomaly in volcanic areas

  26. 用自然电位解释孔隙压力

    Application of Spontaneous Potential in Interpretation of Pore Pressure

  27. 这种砂体以呈圆筒状自然电位曲线为其特征。

    This type of sand body is characterized by a cylinderical self-potential curve .

  28. 应用电阻率&自然电位交会法划分油层有效厚度

    Application of resistivity & spontaneous potential crossplot to dividing effective thickness in oil reservoir

  29. 分形测井解释方法研究应用自然电位测井曲线解释沉积环境

    Simple explanation on fractal well - log interpretation

  30. 嘉山台自然电位研究

    Study of natural geoelectric potential at Jiashan station