
  • 网络IFP;Institut Francais Du Petrole;French Oil Institute
  1. 分析了炼油厂为满足汽油新规格要求所面临的挑战,可采取的对策及法国石油研究院可提供的炼油技术。

    Challenges facing by refineries to meet new gasoline specifications were analyzed together with countermeasures and petroleum refining techniques supplied by IFP .

  2. 国产3861B连续重整催化剂在我国第一套采用法国石油研究院(IFP)第二代专利技术的600kt/a连续重整装置上进行了首次工业应用。

    The first commercial application of 3861 B continuous reforming catalyst has been carried out in the 600 kt / a IFP 2 continuous reforming unit at Nanjing Refinery .

  3. 概述了法国石油研究院近十多年来对快烃加氢催化剂的改进情况。

    The situation of the improving hydrogenation catalyst for alkyne series in recent over 10 years in France petroleum institute was summarized .