
  • 网络self-isolation
  1. 另一个问题是自我孤立。

    Another problem can be the isolation .

  2. 美国与欧洲都已在这么行动了,而以色列有自我孤立之虞。

    America and Europe are already moving this way , and Israel risks isolating itself .

  3. 即这种趋向分离,趋向自我孤立的势头,一头撞上了现代社会,就被击破

    towards isolation , towards keeping to ourselves , crashes head first into our modern world .

  4. 但事实上,有数以百万计有文学造诣的美国人处于这样一种状态,他们自我孤立于他们同类之外。

    But there are in fact millions of literate Americans in a state of separation from others of their kind .

  5. 长时间的自我孤立进一步强化了这种转化趋向,其中包括长达200年的锁国时期。

    This transformational tendency was exacerbated by long periods of self-imposed isolation , including 200 years of sakoku , literally locked country .

  6. 莫斯科独立媒体分析家玛莎•李普曼表示,这份法案是克里姆林宫使俄罗斯呈现自我孤立趋势的一种表现,这种孤立会损害国家经济。

    Masha Lipman , an independent media analyst in Moscow says the legislation is part of a Kremlin trend toward self-isolation in Russia , isolation that 's hurting the economy .

  7. 然而,金朝统治者却错误地选择了绝夏、攻宋、抗蒙的战略,结果三面树敌,自我孤立,致使形势急转直下。

    But instead , the Jin abandoned the Xi Xia , attacked the Southern Song and the Mongols , meaning that it had created three enemies for itself . The Jin became isolated and helpless .

  8. 目前的挑战在于,要让朝鲜摆脱其很大程度上自我强加的孤立状态。

    The challenge is to bring North Korea in from a largely self-imposed isolation .

  9. 它处在整个文化的大系统中,与经济、政治、宗教、哲学等其他社会文化范畴密切相关,决不是一个自我封闭、自我孤立的系统。

    Television , in the whole cultural system , is closely associated with other social cultural categories such as economics , politics , religion and philosophy .

  10. 这些东西大约就是导致退化的内在和外在的基本因素。退化&即是终身自我中心的运作和自我孤立的过程。

    These then are some of the basic inner and outer factors of deterioration-the perpetually self-centred activity with its isolating processes .

  11. 在孔子的或中国的自我的含义中,人是人际关系中的自我,而不是孤立的自我。

    In the Confucian or Chinese sense of self , one is more a self in human relationships , and less a self in isolation .