
zì zhù fú wù
  • self-service
  1. 论述了远程监控系统的研究现状和发展趋势,结合自助服务终端的特点和Java跨平台的特性,提出了一种基于Web的远程监控系统设计方案,并给出了系统体系结构及其实现方法。

    Discuss research actuality and developing trend of remote monitoring and controlling system . Combined with characteristic of self-service terminal and Java , scheme of remote monitoring and controlling system based on Web is brought forward .

  2. 并根据主要问题,按BPR实施方法和步骤对门诊流程进行再造,包括门诊预约流程、自助服务流程、医生站一站式服务流程、辅助检查流程。

    According to major problems , outpatient process will be reengineered by the methods of BPR , including outpatient appointment process , self-service processes , doctors station stop service processes and auxiliary examination process .

  3. 基于Web的船舶设计咨询自助服务系统研究开发

    Research on Self-help Ship Design Advisory Service System Base on Web

  4. 基于Web的自助服务终端远程监控系统研究

    Research of Remote Monitoring and Controlling System for Self-Service Terminal Based on Web

  5. 采用基于Web的管理控制台,提供管理和自助服务相关的功能。

    It has a Web-based Administrator console providing both administrative and self-care-related functions .

  6. 基于WebServices的自助服务应用信息交换平台

    The Platform of Exchanged Information for the Self-help Service Application Based on Web Services

  7. 浅析基于3GModule的自助服务平台

    Analysis based on self-service platform for 3G Module

  8. IBM的自助服务联机支持资源大部分是免费的。

    The majority of IBM 's self-service online support resources are free of charge .

  9. AgentTechnologies实现应用流程再造&自助服务系统中业务无关性的设计

    Agent Technologies realize reorganization of the applied process - - Design of business irrelevant character in the self - help service system

  10. 这在未使用DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol的全面自动化的自助服务云环境中特别有帮助。

    This is particularly helpful in a fully automated self-service cloud environment in which Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is not being used .

  11. 本文主要论述了Agent技术在实现银行自助服务系统平台的业务无关性方面的应用。

    This paper mainly focuses on the application of agent technologies to achieve the independency of different processes in The Bank Self-Service System Platform .

  12. IBMCloud提供了一个自助服务门户,使您可以通过下列存储选项快速访问虚拟机

    The IBM Cloud provides a self-service portal to give you rapid access to virtual machines with options for storage

  13. 基于J2EE构建的电信自助服务系统

    Telecom Self-Service System Based on J2EE

  14. 基于GPRS网络的无线直联ATM自助服务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Wireless ATM Auto-Service System with Direct Connectivity Based on GPRS

  15. 基于GPRS的学生奶自助服务系统

    School Milk Self-service System Based on GPRS

  16. TivoliSystemAutomationManager的Web2.0自助服务用户界面允许云管理员添加和删除云用户。

    The Web2.0 self service user interface of Tivoli System Automation Manager allows cloud administrators to add and remove cloud users .

  17. TivoliSystemAutomationManager用户指南中讲述了关于如何在自助服务门户中使用各种服务的进一步细节。

    Further details on how to use the various offerings in the self service portal are in the Tivoli Service Automation Manager user guide .

  18. 基于EAI的银行自助服务系统数据处理平台的研究

    Research on Self-help Service System DP System of Bank Based on EAI

  19. 您还可以为BuildForge扩充用户基础使包含更多的角色,为他们提供更大范围的自助服务选择。

    You can also extend the user base for Build Forge to include other roles , and provide them with greater self-service options .

  20. 本论文将探讨如何使用COM编程来设计一个相当于虚拟主机的移动电话自助服务系统的应用层。

    This paper discusses how to use the COM program to design a virtual applied layer of mainframe 's mobile phone self-service system .

  21. 对于大多数服务提供商来说,自助服务正在发展为一种趋势&特别是那些资金紧张的ISP。

    As with most service providers , self-service features are a growing trend & particularly with cash-strapped ISPs .

  22. 本文介绍了基于B/S模式,结合Internet技术的自助服务系统的总体规划、网络结构模型选择设计、功能模块划分以及实现方法。

    This article has introduced the whole layout , model choice and design of network , partition of function and implementation methods of self-service system which based on Browser / Serve and combined with Internet technology .

  23. 在GC的商家帐户管理服务解决方案这个案例中,案例的要求将我们导向自助服务和扩展企业业务模式。

    In the case of GC 's Merchant Account Management services solution , the requirements lead us towards both the Self-Service and Extended Enterprise business patterns .

  24. 可能需要这个特性的环境包括集中管理的客户机,比如银行出纳员的终端、零售设备以及用户自助服务的设备(例如ATM机)。

    Target deployments include centrally managed clients , such as bank branch teller terminals and retail point-of-sale devices as well as customer-facing kiosks such as ATMs .

  25. 最后,我提供一个示例用例的检查清单,一旦私有云设置完成之后便可通过自助服务GUI执行它。

    Finally , I offer a checklist of sample use cases which can be executed through the self-service GUI once the private cloud setup is complete .

  26. 利用BuildForge,您可以为这些小组提供自助服务的通道,授权他们可以在没有其它小组介入的情况下影响和更改这个交付过程。

    With Build Forge , you can provide these teams with self-service access and give them the ability to influence and change the delivery process without intervention from other teams .

  27. 本文创造性地引进直联ATM概念,利用GPRS技术,设计了基于GPRS网络的无线直联ATM自助服务系统。

    This paper creative introduce a concept that ATM with direct connectivity , design wireless ATM auto-service system with direct connectivity based on GPRS using GPRS technology .

  28. 用户场景还为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和ATM机,以及与银行雇员联系。

    Consumer scenarios also provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts , find branch offices and ATMs , and initiate communications with banking staff .

  29. 将选择这些承载的堆栈来与常用于SA构建的堆栈进行匹配,并将其设置为支持自助服务,从而最小化中央管理开销。

    These hosted stacks are chosen to match those commonly used for SA building and are set up to be self-serviced to minimize central administration overhead .

  30. Web2.0的一个关键概念是创建自助服务环境,也称为长尾策略。

    One of the key concepts of Web 2.0 is creating a self-service world , also known as The Long Tail strategy .